Hawk - Dating the enemy

Start from the beginning

"I remember Miguel talking about this place with Aisha Miguel said it had the best burgers so I figured we had to try it" hawk said smiling

you smiled at him

" what are we waiting for let's go inside" you said jumping out of the car

" woah wait for me y/n, I'm suppose to open the door and be a gentlemen" hawk said laughing at how excited you were.

" I already know you're a gentlemen hawk I don't need you opening doors for me" you said smiling at him

" but I'd still do it tho" hawk said

" I know" you smiled and pecked his lips

you then walked away and he groaned

" come back, I want another one" hawk said walking up to you

You then ran away from him and he tried chasing you he caught up to you and grabbed your hips softy from behind

" got you" he whispered and started kissing you all over your face.

" hawk stop" you said laughing

You then slid out of his arms, walking to the door and him following behind you.

He opened the door for you and you thanked him and we went and found our seats.

we sat facing each other looking at our menus.

" what are you gonna get" hawk asked

"Hmm, probably that burger Miguel talked about" you said thinking

" you know what I'll get that too, see what Miguel's on about" hawk said smiling at you.

The waiter came over and you ordered your food and she then walked off to tell the chefs what we ordered. Whilst you were waiting for your food you just sat and talked to each other and caught up since you haven't seen each other much.

" so how's karate" hawk asked

" pretty good, I learnt a new technique today" you said smiling

" oh really" hawk said smirking

" yep, u better watch out hawk" you said joking and laughing

" guess we're gonna have to see if ur any good" hawk said smiling

" definitely, wanna spar tomorrow" you asked him

" sure" he said

as you were both talking and laughing with each other, you didn't notice some of the Miyagi do karate walk in and sit at a table close to you, thats until you Looked up of course and made eye contact with Sam and Robby.

" oh shit" you said looking away

" what" hawk said worried

" Sam and Robby are here" you said panicking

" hey babe, calm down" hawk said softly grabbing your hands to calm you down which it did a little bit but not much since you were scared on what your friends would think.

Sam and Robby then made there way over after spotting you, and instantly noticed who you were with since they saw the red Mohawk from the distance and let's just say they weren't happy.

" what are you doing here" Robby asked walking up to the table we were sat at.

" what do u mean, am I not allowed to" you said

" you can, just not with him" Sam said crossing her arms

you just looked at hawk and he noticed your change of mood.

𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 || 𝐂𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐢 ( discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now