35 | maybe another time

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The next day, after my lunch with Archer, I decide to walk to Levi's apartment. Yesterday, he wanted to hang out, but he never responded to my suggestion to hang out today.

In fact, he didn't say anything to me after I told him that I was hanging out with Jack.

He didn't answer my texts, but I have a missed call from him from over an hour ago, one that I must not have heard while I was talking and eating with Archer. So after Archer drops me off, I try calling Levi back.

No answer.

I consider texting him but decide to just talk to him in person.

As I'm walking up to his apartment, a guy comes down the steps. He sees me as well and asks, "You going to 4F?"

4F is Levi's apartment number. "Yeah, I am," I say cautiously.

He shakes his head and continues walking. "Don't bother, princess. They're all out." It's only when he's gone, walking down the sidewalk, that I register what he said.

Of course, Levi would be out at the exact time that I try to visit him. Still, ignoring the guy's warning of their absence, I knock on their door.

To my surprise, I hear footsteps coming toward the door. When Levi answers, it's obvious that he's dressed to go somewhere. As soon as he acknowledges that it's me, he turns around and walks back into his apartment, leaving the door open behind him. Unsure of what he wants me to do, I follow slowly.

He sits down on the couch and starts putting on his boots. "What?" He says monotonously, not bothering to look up at me.

I smile. "I'm sorry I just showed up like this," I apologize. "Are you going somewhere? I didn't expect—"

"You didn't expect what, Scarlett?" He asks, looking up as he finishes putting on his shoes. "That I would be sitting around waiting for you to be in the mood to hang out with me? Believe it or not, I have other things going on."

Levi stands up and strides into the kitchen. I furrow my eyebrows, taken back by his tone. "Look, I'm sorry I was busy yesterday, but I thought it'd be nice for you and me to do something."

"With him," Levi cuts in, grabbing a fruit roll-up from the pantry. "Yesterday, you were busy with your ex-boyfriend. No, I understand completely. I made plans because I assumed you were with him again today."

"Why would you assume that?" I ask. "Yesterday, I texted you asking if you were free today. You were the one that didn't respond."

Levi turns around and leans against the countertop, tearing open the wrapper. "And what were you doing when I called you earlier?"

I scowl, crossing my arms. "I was having lunch with my brother," I say firmly. "Why would you automatically assume that I was with Jack?"

He laughs, shaking his head. "I'm starting to learn that there's really no keeping up with you, Scarlett." He sets down the unwrapped fruit roll-up, staring me down. "One second, I'm at the top of the world thinking that there's something between us, then the next, you're blowing me off for your ex. I'm trying to understand you, but it really seems like you don't want me to."

I take a step closer to him, trying to reach for his hand. He pulls it away, flexing his fingers. I look at the space between us, curling my fingers into my palm. "There is something between us. And I never blew you off," I say, feeling overwhelmed with his accusations.

"No, you're just trying to decide between the two of us," he says coldly. "And if we're being honest here, you've been doing that since before you even broke up with him. God, Scarlett, make up your mind because this indecisive shit's getting old."

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