Chapter Ten - A Distant Memory

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"If you keep waltzing around my kitchen, I won't hesitate to throw all of your hard work out the window!" Noah slurred.

"You would never, and we both know that." Ashlynn drunkenly giggled as she continued to dance and wack Noah on the head with her spatula.

"Can you stop doing that?" He tried to mask an ounce of authority in his voice, but failed when she played her innocent-eyes.

"Stop doing what?" She threw the spatula into the sink, batting her eyelashes at him.

He took another sip of his flask before stumbling to embrace her, caressing her soft hair. "Stop being so perfect." He spoke into the top of her head as she wrapped his arms around him.

They swayed gently to the rhythms from Ashlynn's music box, and Noah's breathing slowed as he took in her scent. She pressed her ear to his chest, an action which caused Noah to almost swoon. She chuckled as she heard his heartbeat speed up ever so slightly at her tightening of arms around his chest. They stayed embraced in one another, until the music box finished its song.

"What should we listen to next?" Ashlynn asked into Noah's chest.

"Your voice." He replied in actuality.

She lifted her head from his chest, scrunching her nose in adorable annoyance which Noah couldn't help but love to see.

"I mean something worth hearing." She tried to wiggle out of his embrace to the music box, but he only held her tighter.

"You are worth hearing, my love, and I'll listen to you until the day I die." His borders which he held up all day were cracking now, the alcohol doing nothing to fix them. Raw emotions spilled from his mouth with no filter. "I love you very much, my dear, and I will always."

Ashlynn couldn't help her pure red face, but she still tried to escape his needing yet loving grasp. "Noah, let go, the bread is ready." She laughed as his left hand creeped towards her side to tickle her. "Stop, let me get the bread! It'll burn!" She spoke between breaths of laughter, poking him in the side before escaping his grasp. She grabbed a nearby dishrag to take the bread out of the oven. Noah's home smelled like comfort and love, both from the baked item and his beloved Ashlynn.

Ashlynn caught his drunkenly affectionate stare as she shook her hand after dropping the hot pan onto the counter. She smiled. God, that smile.

"This is your fault. If you would've let go, I would've gotten the pan out quicker and it wouldn't have been this hot." She scoffed as she smiled, turning her attention to slice up the bread.

Noah chuckled, walking over to her with outstretched arms, aching for somebody to dive into. "I'm sorry, baby. Won't you ever forgive me?" He fell to his knees melodramatically. "My one true love, my beloved, will she ever feel the same about me again?" He shook his fists to the sky, cursing the ones above as Ashlynn broke out into a fit of laughter.

"Oh, quiet you, Mr. Drama." She threw a slice of bread at him, which he managed to catch while being intoxicated by two items he kept in bottles.

"Then that makes you Mrs. Drama." He stood up dizzily, eating the bread as he stumbled to the counter behind her. Wrapping his arms around her waist, he listened to her hum as she cleaned up her work space. He was lost in her, wanting to hold onto his one and only until the end of time.

Ashlynn finished, perking up as if she remembered something. "Tonight's the meteor shower!" She exclaimed, donking herself on the forehead. She wiggled out of Noah's embrace, which Noah himself had almost forgotten he was holding her. "C'mon! Let's go outside, what time is it anyways?" She finished the wine in her glass as she dragged Noah by the arm. "Isn't this the whole reason we stayed up?"

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