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The phone rang while I dreadfully waited for the nasally annoyed voice to speak on the other hand. 

I had avoided my agent for the past few days since my next gig was in a few days. In the mean time I had focused on working out, eating well and apply generous amounts of the healing cream to my eye. 

Generally, it had worked, since the swelling had subsided significantly. However, my eye was still circled by a blue and purple undertones.

"Mia, darling, what is it?" she answered, unbothered to conceal her chronic annoyance clear in her tone.

"Mrs Williams, how are you?" I greeted, faking my most upbeat voice possible "I'm sorry to bother you-"

"Yes, you are bothering me, dear. I'm busy" she cut me in "Tell me, what is it? Is everything alright for tomorrow?"

"Yes! I mean no." my nervousness started to get in the way of my line of thoughts "It's just a small problem."

She huffed from her side and hummed for me to continue.

"I took this kickboxing class and got punched." I blurted out the lie I had improvised and rehearsed countless times before the call.

"You did what?" my agent spoke calmly, which contributed to my nervousness.

"Yes, but It's okay." I rambled on "I think I'm able to hide it with concealer."



"Listen Mia, I don't know you're joking or not." she paused and I gulped "But do you think our clients come to Elite to get a girl with a fucked up eye?"

Rhoda Williams scolded me and like I did with my mother during my teenager years, my brain just went blank. 

After expressing her disappointment towards my lack of consideration for the agency, in every single way she could think of, she instructed me to go to the agency's makeup department, for concealing the purple and the blue tones around my right eye, before going to the shoot.

I thought about messaging Sophia about the ridiculous situation. We'd always poke fun at Rhoda's meltdowns, but it didn't make sense. 

Having blocked Jack from my socials, phone and life in general I felt like he wasn't a real person to blame anymore. If I distanced myself from the partying crowds I was used to in LA, I'd probably never run into him. We didn't even lived in the same city anymore. The thought of it, was not only soothing, but it was also lonely. Other than my personal trainer, I didn't know anyone in the city, and hadn't made any efforts to. 

My relationship with Jack had damaged me beyond my understanding, and my move down to Oceanside was the blank page I was holding on to, but too afraid to write on it. 

When my phone blew up twitter notifications and mentions, it took me a moment before gathering the courage to check on it. The fear on the recent events coming to light was still very present, even after almost a week passed. 

Mentions of Pewdiepie, Corpse and I were thrown around my twitter feed. From what I gathered something was happening on one of their streams. 

Corpse had told me he didn't feel like streaming, although he had planned on joining a group of friends who would, which might have included Felix.

I opened his channel entering his stream, my eyebrows furrowed at the screen. There was some screaming around. Felix's unintelligible ones, mixed with Sean's and Corpse's laughter under their loud voices.

Both of their little colorful astronauts chased Corpse's dark one around. Felix's name was red, which meant he was imposter.

"What do you mean, Corpse?" Felix demanded "Say you're sorry!"

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