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~Corpse's POV~

The blonde had insisted on watching another episode and I agreed, even though her eyes were starting to become heavy.

I would glance at her form time to time during the episode, looking for a reaction to something I'd said or to a jump scare from the show or just to simply check on her. I wasn't surprised to see that eventuall she had fallen asleep.

Unlike last time, Mia's sleeping state didn't leave my imagination to run free.

Sleeping beauty was the expression that came to mind.

Her phone was balanced against something leaving me with a clear vision of her peaceful, delicate expressions.

I should hang up, it would be awkward not to. Although Mia hadn't mention it last time, I had a gut feeling that I was prying on her on her privacy.

I looked away, as if it would redeem the feeling that her peaceful face was not mine to look at, but her lure was stronger than my non existing will to keep myself from watching her.

Her company, even over the phone, had an overall calming aura, to which I was becoming addicted to. At first it was mere intuition, attraction and affinity, but getting to know Mia was opening up my perspective to how easy it is to be myself and actually vulnerable with her.

My eyes wondered her face, stopping at the slightly bruised lip, clearly from a bite. My blood boiled when I thought of what could have happened.

Her ex boyfriend crossed my mind, and so did a handful of man rummaging LA's night clubs. For the hundredth time that night, I had to stop myself from overthinking it.

She had dismissed it as an accidental self injury and all there was left to do about it, was for me to believe it, even thought I didn't.

I paused the episode, not wanting to watch it without her and decided to let her sleep while I picked up some work, with the excuse that it was a way of knowing she was safe, and not just to look at her.

A few hours had passed and my eyes were dry from looking at my screen when her voice came through the speaker. A groan to be exact.

Thinking about how she had a mood when she woke up, made my lips curl.

"Corpse?" She eventually called out, a hand rubbing her eyes, her Italian accent made everything sound angelical.

" 'Morning, princess." I greeted as she frowned at her screen.

Her disheveled, sleepy state was almost perfect and pure. I almost felt guilty she wasn't looking back at me.

"What time is it?" She asked,".

"Almost 4." I casually said.

"Why aren't you sleeping?" Mia got comfier on her couch overseeing her screen.

"I wish I knew." I laughed quietly and saw her shoulders shake, doing the same. "My sleeping schedule is mess, Mia."

"Why don't you take a nap with me right now." It wasn't the first time the half asleep girl said something that jolted me awake.

It sounded so innocent, but it brought impure thoughts to my mind. Specially knowing that she was less than 30 minutes away from me. I had to quickly shrug it off.

"Maybe I'll do that." I did my best to sound casual.

"Yes, or I'll make you." She threatened with a yawn.

A laugh escaped my lips, which got a frown from her.

" How will you do that, Mia ?" I raised an eyebrow at the girl, even though she couldn't see me.

"With my incredible persuasion tactics." Mia mumbled as she hugged her knitted blanket closer to her.

I couldn't help but smile at the gesture and maybe due to the sleep deprivation, I couldn't hold my thoughts.

"You hugging that blanket might just do the job." The words came, unintentionally.

She opened her eyes, looking right into my soul, even though, to her, there was just a black screen there. First I thought I had startled her by saying something stupid, but then a grin appeared on her lips, and I finally let out the air I didn't know I was holding in.

"My job is done, then." The girl almost sang.

I let out a chuckle, feeling myself melt from her soft smile.

"God, what are you doing to me ?" I, once again, unintentionally spoke out loud, passing a hand through my messy dark curls.

AN: This time we got to see corpse's side ehehe also, guuuuys omg how is this story blowing up all of the sudden 😱😱 please be nice, I'm nervous and shy 🙈
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