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After speaking with Corpse, my mood was improved above my dehydration and lack of sleep.

Not wanting to disturb Sophia, I had gotten her a cold brew , which I left on her kitchen counter with a note. As much as I loved her, I needed my bed, even if it meant a one hour drive.

Putting my faith on the overpriced caffeine, I found myself behind the wheel, on my way back to Oceanside.

Not feeling like listening to music, I called Marzia putting her on speaker, to keep me company.

"Hi." Her sweet voice echoed in my small car.

"Hi Marz." I greeted as a small smile found its way to my lips.

"Is everything alright ?" She asked trying to conceal a laugh "I saw your Instagram stories."

"Oh god... yeah I'm fine." I assured her " Sophia and I went to an after party and there I shouldn't have mixed up the... The wine and the vodka. I had fun though."

Although my cousin was relatively conformed with her drinking habits, i wasn't sure of how Marzia would react about Sophia's treats.

"You should be careful." Her tone was invaded by concern. "I'm happy you had fun."

"Marz" I called.


"The media thing..." I started with a sigh "Was an accident, it won't happen again."

"I'm not concerned about the media, I'm concerned about you." My cousin stated, her voice slightly more fragile than before.

"Marz don't make me cry, I'm driving." I begged, a small smile on my lips as I wiped a stray tear. " I miss you."

"Mimi, why are you crying." She asked, although it was clear from her sniffling that she was tearing up.

"Because you're the sweetest, and I miss you." I repeated, trying to keep my focus on the road.

I could her laugh goofily through the tears.

"Felix's here, he's concerned about us." She clarified.

Did she see a cute cloud and now you're crying about it? I heard him yell from Marzia's end.
I broke off into laughter along my cousin.

I felt thankful for their much needed support, even if a couple of hours set us apart.

Once inside my apartment I inhaled the aroma of the floral scented candles, which have become permanent in whatever place I called home, with the ocean's.

The pounding headache from earlier had made itself more bearable during the car ride. Other than puffy eyes, my reflection showed me a familiar healthier version of myself.

My stomach growled indicating that my stomach was ready to digest some basic meal, so I made a simple porridge bowl with fruits.

I ate it, thinking about the duality of the past 24 hours: a perfectly polished model, on a skin tight black dress, drinking on an empty stomach and accepting treats, was now stripped of all her makeup, eating a somewhat healthy breakfast in the middle of the afternoon, wearing grey baggy clothes.

My phone buzzed with an incoming call from Sophia.

"Wassup?" I answer casually, a mouthful of oats abs banana.

"Ugh, are you eating ?" I could feel her eyes rolling back into her head.

"I am." I nodded, even though she couldn't see me " You should too."

" From the looks of it. I had ton of carbs last night." The girl mumbled, referring to the half eaten noodles she had on her hand. " Speaking of which.. if you think there's a chance in hell I'll ever forgive for that picture..."

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