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That was a nice surprise.


What was?




Well, blame Felix, it was his idea 😅


I'll have to thank him then! 

He needs to have more of those ideas


I'll get that message to him!


You still owe me four games, though. We have to take care of that


You'll get them


I'll hold you to that


You'll get them.

Have my number, I don't regularly use discord. That way you can reach out




Shortly after I got a phone message from Corpse "Making sure a cute girl gave me her real phone number".  To which I replied with "You think I'm cute?"

An incontrollable urge to smile took command of my senses. And so I did.

My job as a model, consisted of hearing people either praising me for my looks, or discharge me because they weren't good enough. I had become both hyperconscious of my flaws and desensitized to any physical compliments. 

For every good thing you can point out of her, there's millions of girls who were born with better. I had heard from a short-tempered french photographer, mentioning me as if I wasn't present, lining up with around 20 lookalikes hoping to be chosen for a unimportant fashion show , at only 14. It stung to hear those ill mannered words at such tender age, and they only did because there was truth to it.

But, somehow, hearing it from a faceless, nameless stranger had affected my mood.

"Why are laughing?" Marzia butted in, my smile being reflected on my cousin's lips. 

"What? I am not." I denied with a giggle.

"What? Why are you denying it?" Marzia chuckled back, scooting over near me. "Who is it."

"No one." I locked my phone, leaning my head back into her lap.

"Keep your secrets." My cousin sighed, immediately starting to play with loose strands of my hair thought her delicate fingers. 

"Inspector Marzs." I poked her on the nose with my fingertip. "And her special agent Poods."

Felix's head emerged from his book for a few seconds, inspecting us, before silently dismissing us and going back into whatever stoic literature he was into these days.

I didn't take long to call it a night and burrow myself under the comfortable bed spread, where no wondering eyes could invade my privacy, Marzia's specifically. 

An hour had passed since Corpse's last message.


I'm an honest man.


Sorry, didn't mean to ignore you. I was ambushed.


Should I be concerned?


You should. There was a curious Marzia and two vicious pugs.


Sounds terrible.

What did they want?


To know who had texted me... and snacks.


Did they get what they wanted?


Yeah, Felix went and got Marzia some strawberries and I told Edgar I was talking to a stranger.


Didn't your mother taught you not to talk to strangers?


She did.

You're not a stranger.



I don't wanna be.

AN: Short but sweet chapter. Hope you guys are enjoying this. Next part will be up tomorrow and I'll try to update daily!

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