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What woke me up after fluttering my eyes open was a splitting sharp pain in my head. I don't even remember where or who I am right now. Panic begins to creep in as I realize I'm not in the same bed as Ariana's house. These white sheets feel too extravagant and this pillow is way too fluffy. memorizes from the last thing I can remember about last night start to surface . I try to scan the room once my eyes adjust to the bright light pouring in from the window. The sight I spot in the corner across the room makes my heart rate calm a bit and and I stop worrying as much as i was when i woke up .

 The sight I spot in the corner across the room makes my heart rate calm a bit  and and I stop worrying as much as i was when i woke up

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I try to get out of bed which is proven to be a mistake because the room starts to spin a bit. My groan must have been a bit loud because Harry starts to shuffle and open his eyes. Once he notices that Im awake, he immediately gets up and slowly walks over to my side to sit. 

"Goodmorning, are you feeling better?" He asks with a  worried face.

  "My head feels like it's been sat on by an  elephant and i'm still trying to figure out who's bed Im in," I say clutching my head. 

He chuckles some before reaching over to the nightstand and handing me two ibuprofens  and a glass of orange juice. 

"Here, that will help with your headache, and as far as the bed thing, Im 100 percent sure it's mine . I really didn't want to make you uncomfortable so I slept in the chair over there," He says with a small smile.  Wow, those dimples were carefully crafted by God

"Thank you, Harry." I pause before asking, " hey can you tell me what happened last night? The last thing I remember is taking a sip from one drink and then stuff goes blurry ." "Um well, I saw you sitting at the bar talking to some girl, and when you started to wave at me you started looking like you were going to fall over. Just as the girl was about to leave with you, I rushed over and he just ran away." He explained.

"That bitch drugged me," I say throwing yell angrily. "She must have poured something in while you were distracted at some point. I'm so sorry. I feel like it's my fault."

"How is it your fault that some bitch tried to drug me in a club harry?" I ask confused.

"If it wasn't for me and the boys forcing you to go then it never would have happened."  "Harry it's fine , it wasn't your fault, yall just wanted me to have a little bit of fun."  "Yeah, but then we left you alone in a club full of strangers and you looked  gorgeous  so that wasn't smart.

" He says with a smirk and laugh.  I can't help but blush at him saying I looked gorgeous .  "Yep, that was a dick move," I say laughing.

"But seriously, you really  saved my life. I mean she could have taken me and sold me to some sex traffickers and make a sex thank you harry ."

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2021 ⏰

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