Melody Island

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The girls awoke an hour later, making it a little afternoon.

The sky was an expanse of sapphire blue, dotted with feathery white clouds as the radiant rays of the sun shone brightly in the azure blue sky.

The young couple sauntered over to the clubhouse for lunch to find the riders all tucking into Heather's famous Yak chops.

"Yak Chops?" Heather offered a plate to Astrid as Oakley waltzed over to her freshly made bowl of vegetable soup.

"No thanks." She politely declined, walking over to join Oakley. The riders gasped.

"What?! Yak chops are your favorite!" Snotlout reminded.

"Astrid, are you feeling okay?" Hiccup wondered.

"I'm fine, why?"

"Watch this," Oakley suggested, handing Astrid a spoon. "Soup?"

Astrid accepted and the girls clinked their spoons together before tucking into the bowl of soup.

"Woah..." The twins gasped. "Is she okay?" Ruffnut added.

"Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen Astrid turn down Yak chops for anything." Snotlout noted.

"Umm, Guys. Can we stop talking about me like I'm not here?" Astrid requested.

"Sorry, Astrid. It's just, You've been acting a little... different today." Hiccup explained as he began tidying the empty dishes.

"She's acting like-" Fishlegs was cut off by Oakley.

"Me. We know." She said.

"But, why?" Heather wondered.

"Cause I made a stupid wish." Oakley explained. "She's supposed to learn what it's like to be me. So, until she figures it out, she's the new me."

"Perfect," Snotlout rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Another Oakley. That's all we need!" He complained. Astrid's hair lit up as she growled at the short, stocky Viking, who let out a yelp.

"Snotlout!" Hiccup scowled. "That's my sister you're talking about."

"It's fine, Hiccup. He's not wrong." Oakley agreed.

"Wait, what?!" Snotlout rose a brow at the young brunette. Oakley grasped Astrid's hand and squeezed it tightly.

"One hundred..." She said softly. Astrid took a deep breath.

"Ninety-seven," She continued, quietly. Oakley returned her attention to the gang.

"Look, I'm no happier about it than you are." She expressed. "I'm not exactly my favorite person."

"Ninety-four," Stormfly made her way over to her rider, nuzzling her side. Astrid's hair returned to normal.


"Hey, you know who we haven't visited in a while?" Heather broke the silence after several awkward minutes. "Garff!"

Stormfly's ears perked up as she paced around the room excitedly.

"He's the baby Death Song, right?" Oakley wondered. Everyone nodded.

"What about, Astrid?" Fishlegs questioned.

"What about her?" Astrid frowned.

"She'll be fine," Oakley assured. "It might actually be good for her."

"Okay, Gang. Looks like we're taking a trip to Melody Island." Hiccup confirmed.


It was Oakley's first time visiting Melody Island. The first thing that hit her was the sound. The sound of birds, the sound of the sea crawling onto the sand was drowned out by the siren song of the mystery class dragon that inhabited the beautiful island.

"Earplugs!" Hiccup commanded. The riders all got to work covering their dragon's ears.

The tantalizing scent of the washed-up waves, coconut, and late summer air was all mixed into one. The riders landed on the beach.

As Oakley looked around, she was amazed by how easily fantasy and reality intertwined at that moment. It was like continuing a dream after waking up. Of course, she hadn't explored half as many islands as her friends had, but she was still certain that Melody Island was beautiful.

"Okay, Guys. Be on alert." Hiccup warned. They headed deeper onto the island. Beautiful flowers in reds, yellows, purples, and pinks lounged happily along the banks of small streams. Following the streams, it allowed them to hear the playful sound of the water lapping on the rocks, and the sound of leaves rustling when the wind blew gently, bringing with it a feeling of peace and tranquility.

Before they knew it, the Death Song landed right in front of them.

The youngest Haddock took a moment to admire the beauty in this mysterious dragon.

"Okay, Guys. Split up!" Hiccup suggested. "That way he can't attack us all at once!"

"Yeah, cause that worked so well for us last time!" Snotlout yelled. "I forgot how much I hate this guy."

The dragon suddenly shot an amber rock substance at the auburn-haired leader. He dove out of the way just in time.

"Okay, new plan! Everyone on your dragons!" The riders immediately raced to their dragons, mounting up and flying towards an opening in the rocky hills.

Oakley took one look at the open mouth of the cave. Its darkness seemed to envelop them in a never-ending fortress of mystery. They landed by the entrance and stepped inside. Oakley's breathing quickened as she tried to take in more of the stale, humid air.

She was a little disoriented as her eyes adjusted to the darkness that suddenly surrounded her. It was the blackest black she had ever seen. She closed her eyes and opened them again. There was absolutely no difference. It was amazingly claustrophobic; despite the fact that the cavern went on for miles. Oakley's hand instinctively flew to the side, grasping whoever's arm was beside her. Astrid did the same.

"Everyone okay?" Hiccup checked. Oakley let out a small sigh of relief knowing that it was his arm she was holding.

"Yep." Everyone responded. Astrid was happy with the knowledge that she had a hold on Heather.

They continued deeper and deeper into the darkness. The sound of footsteps sent an echo through the open space with the occasional clink of Hiccup's prosthetic leg.

Oakley's foot suddenly caught on a rock and with a small shriek, she fell to the ground, her hands landing on slippery limestone, worn away by the ages of water rushing through the cavern.

"Oak, are you okay?!" Hiccup gasped.

"I-I think so." She hissed.

"We need some light!" Astrid mentioned.

"Meatlug, spew!" Fishlegs commanded his dragon. Suddenly, a few yards of the cave were lit up by Gronkle lava to reveal Oakley sitting on the ground with her dagger in her hand. She had sliced a piece of material from the right side of her leggings. Astrid rushed to her side.

"Are you okay?" She panicked, causing snow to fall around them.

"I'm fine. Relax." The brunette suggested. "It's just a scratch." She assured as she wrapped the long strip of fabric around her newly grazed knee. Astrid relaxed and the snow ceased. Astrid gave her girlfriend a hand up. She wobbled a little before gaining some balance, Astrid held her in place. "Thanks."

"Uh, guys. I think there's some light up ahead." Snotlout pointed out.

They made it into the opening to see a large opening in the ceiling, granting the sunlight permission to enter, only to find themselves in front of the Death Song once again.


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