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I've very recently started working on a dnf story. You should totally go check it out! its called Story of my Life. I'd appreciate it greatly although you dont have to! ALSO. time to spice some shit up.
Sophia's POV-(in third person)

TW: panic attack

After the small group left her room, she panicked. Why the hell would he attack her? Why did Alex tell her that he wanted to break up with her?

She brought her knees to her chest, rocking back and forth on the bed. Her breathing was out of control, completely uneven. She couldn't form a sentence, the words would simply get scrambled up.

She decided to get up, try and walk around a bit to breath. Sophia walked into her bathroom, locking the door behind her.

She basically collapsed on the ground, her legs shaking from how scared she was. Of course Nick and her had fought before. But it never got physical.

The room surrounding her began to shrink. Squeezing her insides, making it seem dark and scary. As if she was alone. She looks at her hands. Shaking uncontrollably.

Sophia moved to the wall to stabilize herself a little bit better, immediately rocking back and forth.

She brought her hands to her head, gripping hand fulls of hair. "Why am I so fucking stupid." she whispered to herself, her voice hoarse from crying.

Dreams POV-

"Why are you so fucking stupid." I said, pacing the room in front of Nick. "Have you seen the way shes been acting, she deserved it for fucks sake."

I stopped moving, standing directly in front of him. "What." "You heard me." He whispered, a little smirk across his face. "Shes fucking 16! Shes gonna be like that. Let her have the last years of having fun and being irresponsible!"

   "Dream. If shes 16 then you would think she wouldn't get pulled over, drink, and hang out with Alex. ALEX. if that doesn't tell you something then i don't know what will."

   I started growing angry with Nick. "And you're 18! I don't understand why you care so much. You said you two are don-" "Were only done cause she was a slut." "Enough Nick."

   "No. Enough of your shit Dream. Ever since you talked to her, before we all moved in together you've been on her fucking side the whole time. You stick up for the 16 year old nobody instead of your own best friend. I'm done. So choose one Dream. Her or me. Her, or your best friend that you have known for 10+ years."

   I ran my fingers through my hair, Who was I supposed to pick? Sophia, who I was supposed to look after after Tommy died. Who is like a little sister to me. Or do I pick my best friend. Who is like a brother to me, who i look after. He's the one I can go to when I need something, or when I have to tell him something important that I don't trust with anyone else.

   "Tick tock. Pick her and I leave. I'm tired of this shit." "I guess I choos-"

   "What's up fuckers!" Alex said bursting through the front door. "Better get pretty boy out of distance cause he wont be so pretty after we get to him." Punz said following Alex around.

   "Listen, Alex we don't need trouble now. Go check on Sophia. She needs someone right now. I said, standing in front of Nick.

   "We will be back." He warned, leading Punz up the stairs. "So pick one Dream. Her or me!"

Alexs POV-

   We got to her door, knocking on it a few times. "Sophia? You in there." I asked, putting my ear to the door. No answer. We knocked again. "Sophia?" Punz asked.

   After a few minutes of knocking, we decided to go in. I opened the door cautiously, making sure to look around the room. "Shes not in here."

   We walked over to the bathroom door. A small amount of light seeping out from the bottom of the door.

   Punz and I looked at each other. "Sophia?" I asked, knocking lightly against the door. There was shuffling in there. "Come on let me in." "G-go away. P-please." She whispered.

   "Come on. It's Alex and Punz." "go awa-" There was a crash on the other side of the door.  "Sophia?" No answer.

   Punz opened the door, going inside almost instantly. He gasped, "Wha-" My eyes widened at the sight. "DREAM."

750 words.
Extremely short chapter. But i'll probably update in the morning!

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