Launch of The Game - X

ابدأ من البداية

"Dude, screw you, that was like a pig from hell!"

I chuckled, channeling a sword skill into the rock in my hand, throwing it at the pig. Instantly killing it.

"Oh. My. God. I've just found the most powerful weapon in the game."

"Stop." Klein muttered.

"The Holy Mythril Pebble of Smiting!"


Kirito slapped me again, "X, leave him alone. It's normal for newer players to not know how to use sword skills. Effectively, that is."

I scoffed, "They're a game mechanic, how hard can they be? We instantly nailed the sword skills mechanic, did we not?"

"Yeah, but we've been playing video games for quite a while."

I sighed, "Fine, you be the teacher whilst I mock his ineptitude."


After a few hours of Kirito teaching Klein about Sword Skills and me mocking his ineptitude at the game, Klein was finally able to hold his own against a Frenzy Boar.

"Wow, congratulations." I commented in a monotone voice, "You managed to kill a Frenzy Boar. With the repetitive use of only one sword skill. And with a sliver of health remaining."

"Hey, don't ruin my moment."

I sighed, "You want to see actual combat in SAO? Try this."

I walked up to a Frenzy Boar, attracting its aggro, and twirled my dagger in my hand.

As soon as it charged me, I jumped over it, slashing the dagger across its nape.

The precision of my strike landed on a critical point, and instantly killed the boar.

"Anything and everything will have three points that deal bonus damage," I said, "A weak point..." I pointed to my heart, "A critical point..." I cupped my nape, "And a critical weak point." I drew a line across my throat.

Klein nodded, "Thank you, X-Sensei."

"Don't call me that, it's cringe. Also, I will not hesitate to kill you if you become annoying."

Klein chuckled, "Oh, come on, don't be like that! You're a good teacher if you put your heart to the task!"

Less than a second later, my knife was right in front of his throat.

"Don't let your guard down against anyone, especially if you don't know their true intentions. I could've easily killed you right about now. Keep your guard up around player killers."

Klein chuckled nervously, "But you're not actually going to kill me, right?"

I pondered it for a while, and then grinned maniacally, "Why not?"

His face turned pale, but Kirito once again slapped me.

"Stop slapping me!"

"Would you stop being so aggressive to him?"

"I will if you stop slapping me!"


Klein just watched nervously as the two of us conversed, "Heh, that's very nice and all, but I'm kinda hungry, and I have a pizza waiting for me, so I'm going to log out now."

I sighed, "Good riddance."

Kirito kicked my avatar in the balls.

Klein opened up his menu and was about to log out when he suddenly stopped.

"Uh, where's the logout button?"

I scoffed, "How can you not find that?!"

Kirito looked at his menu, and frowned, "No, he's right. The logout button is blank. You can't use it."

"A maintenance issue, probably." I shrugged it off.

"I don't think so, wouldn't the servers be shut down and all the players booted from the game forcefully after an announcement? There's been none of that, I don't think this is normal." Kirito argued.

Suddenly, a light shined around us, and we were teleported back into the teleport plaza of the Town of Beginnings.

The sky then turned into red hexagons, seeping out some kind of red fluid that morphed into a cloaked humanoid figure that was five times our size.

"Welcome, players of Sword Art Online. My name is Kayaba Akihiko!"

A/N: Well shit.

No kidding. This took me forever to write, Jesus fucking Christ.

No, not that, the fact that you gave X the personality of the SAO Abridged Kirito.

What? This was in my mind from before I watched SAO Abridged.

Likely story. Real original, buddy.

Oh, fuck off, you take twice as long to come up with less original ideas.


You know I'm right.


Heh. Gottem. Anyways, if you enjoyed this first chapter, consider voting and following. It helps my self-esteem.

Yeah, and comment whilst you're at it too. Maybe?

Peace out, everybody. Goodbye.

Photonfrost 95, signing out

Shadowflame 95, signing out

Sword Art Online: Xحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن