Launch of The Game - X

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Sword Art Online. The full game was finally out.

I wonder if Kirito is in it already.

I shut the door to my room, I didn't live with anyone, but I didn't need to be disturbed by delivery boys, either.

I put on my NerveGear headset, and laid down on my bed.

"Link Start!"

My consciousness left my body.

When my eyes opened again, I was in the body of my avatar.

I checked my reflection in a nearby window of a building, and admired the long, braided, purple hair of my avatar.

Ah, I forgot how exhilarating it was to be in Sword Art Online.

And as per the default, I spawned with a sword.

I never really liked swords, to be honest. It was always polearms or knives with me. No swords for me, no thank you.

I sighed.

I quickly walked to the nearest store and, with my starter col, purchased a dagger.

Then I heard familiar running footsteps.

I turned around, and surely enough, there was Kirito.

"Oh my god, why is it you?"

"Hey X!"

"What do you want?"

"Do you really need to ask? I want to play Sword Art Online with you."

"Don't you have other friends?"

"No-one who plays SAO."

"Goddammit. I'm going to be stuck with you for a while, aren't I?"


I sighed, "Fine, just this once. Then we're going solo."

Kirito laughed, "Come on, you know you love me, admit it."

"I will admit no such thing." I muttered as I ran with him to the nearest monster field.

Then we were stopped by a dude with red hair, "Hey, you two are beta testers, right? I can tell from the way you move around this place."

I groaned in frustration, "Goddammit, more people."

Kirito ignored me, "Yeah, we are, what do you need?"

"I'm kind of a noob, can you teach me how to play?"

I instantly answered, "No."

But Kirito slapped me across the face, "Don't mind him, he doesn't really like social interactions, yeah, sure, of course we'll teach you how to play."

"Do I not get a say in this?"

"Not in social affairs, you don't."

"I fucking hate you."

"Love you too, buddy." Kirito chuckled, then turned to the player who asked for our help, "I'm Kirito, this is X. You are?"

"My name is Klein." He said, giving us a huge shit-eating grin, "Looking forward to working with you!"

"Yeah, yeah, let's just go. You have a weapon? Good. You're gonna need it. If you die to a Frenzy Boar, I will mock you for the rest of your time here." I said, running off, Kirito following after me, Klein following soon after.


"Gah!" Klein got knocked back by a Frenzy Boar.

"Wow, you got beaten by a level 1 Frenzy Boar. You weren't lying when you said you were a noob." I commented drily, grabbing a rock, "Seriously, get better at the game."

Sword Art Online: Xحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن