This Feels Rushed But Confession Time

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     The two walked home from the cafe and one question kept going through Senpai's head: What does he see in me? "Hey. You ok? Your face looks a little.. Blue?"

"Oh... I'm fine I was just thinking about it and... Are all of your friends like Luka?"

"Hm? Yeah, pretty much except for you! That doesn't... Make you uncomfortable, right?"

"No not at all! It's just... What do you see in me?"



"I mean... Look at you! You're nice, a bit awkward and you smell like roses always! And you have good taste in clothes, your hair is always so... Sparkly! I mean everything about you is perfect!"

     Senpai couldn't help but notice they were in the empy part of town, nobody was really out at this time of night.

"Well I mean, thanks! Wait... Was- was that a confession?"


"Does... Does that mean you, you know, like me?"

"...Yes..." Lemon Demon blushed, he looked embarassed before Senpai pratically screamed, "Well that's perfect because I've been in love with you for a WHILE now!"

"Oh thank god, I thought you were going to get mad at me!"

"So... What now? Do we like... Kiss?"

"Not yet! We just ate man, we have to at least brush our teeth before we do anything like that..!"

"Fair enough!"

     The two walked to Lemon's house faster, Senpai had gotten a text confirming that Skid and Pump were at Lemon Demon's home with Sen so they wouldn't have to stop by the school.

     They got home to hear Sen panicking about something, only to find that he was crying next to the window, which was now broken.

"Hey Mr. Sen, don't worry! We can fix it, they might not be home anytime soon!" Pump tried to reassure him. "Yeah, I'll go get my gluesticks!" Skid turned around to see Lemon Demon and Senpai standing at the doorway.

"What exactly happened here?"

"I-I'm sorry! I was just, trying to show them s-something cool but i-it failed and I-I screwed up and... It- it broke, I'm sorry!"

"Oh... Yeah that windows been on the verge of breaking for a while now, don't worry about it! I'll buy a new one... When and if I can get the money..."

"I can ask my mom for cash to fix it!" Senpai offered. Lemon Demon shrugged, he really didn't know how to respond to that.

"H-Hey... Senpai..? C-can we talk... I-in private?"

"Uhh... Sure?"

     Soon after Senpai and Sen had gone into the guest room.

"Is something wrong..? Is this about the window?"

"So-sort of? B-before I explain... I-I need to know... Did you... Te-tell him how you feel..?"

"Yeah! How'd you know?"

"So that's... P-probably why it d-didn't work..."

"Huh? Sen what are you talking about?"

"Oh... Well you see... I-I felt something happen... Li-like, you see... Wh-when a spirit's purpose has been s-served, the-they get this f-feeling... It's hard to explain b-but..." Sen was shaking like crazy, it was most likely because he had been in his human form for god knows how long.

"Hey... Do you wanna go into your... Other form? You're shaking like crazy right now and-"

"NO! I-I mean... The-the moment I-I do that... I'm... Gonna disappear..."

"Wait what!?"

"I-I'm sorry... It's j-just that... M-my purpose here has already b-been served... I-I feel a lot more confident i-in m-myself... A-and you c-confessed to him... I-I just wanted to... S-say goodbye b-before I-"

"No! Hey hey don't give up now, ok? You- you can't just, disappear!"

     Senpai panicked until he remembered he still had the spirit kit, Lemon Demon had told him to put it in his bag while they were in the cafe, he could use that!

"Ok, just whatever you do, DON'T change forms! Ok?"

"I-I'll... T-try but... I-it really hurts..."

"Ok, ok... Uhhh..." Senpai quickly flipped through the book and found something that might work.

"Ok, there's a ritual that should work to make you... Real, just listen to me very carefully, ok?"

"O-Ok... B-but I don't think w-we have much time l-left..."

"Ok... I'm going to draw a pentagram, I need you to sit in the middle of it."

"O-Ok..." Sen sat down before he continued.

"I should have some candles in my bag from last night, I hope these work..."

     Senpai lit the candles and Sen sighed in relief.

"I-I feel a little better..."

"Ok... Good..! I'm going to have to cut my hand for the blood sacrifice part..."

     Senpai grabbed a pair of scissors from his bag and cut his hand open before chanting something from in the book.

"Ok... When I say now, you HAVE to turn into your spirit form. If you don't you will die. Ok?"


     Afterwards Senpai continued to chant, and mid chant he yelled out, "Now!"

     Sen transformed as fast as he could, and with that there was a bright light shined before all the candles went out. Senpai couldn't see a thing now, the lights had also gone out and Senpai had prayed the ritual had worked as he lit a candle and saw... Sen on the ground kneeling and breathing heavily..!

"Sen... You there?"

"Y... Yeah, just... Tired, haha..!"

     Senpai quickly hugged Sen, the latter not expecting said hug.


"Thank god, you- you're still here!"

"Yeah... I am..! S-sorry, I should've said somethi-"

"Shh, don't do that, it's ok! Here, you look pale, do you need some water?" Senpai had finally let go of him and gave him a water bottle, which Sen had drank in less then a minute.

"Man... I'm exhausted... I don't kn-know why that took up s-so much energy...!"

"Ahahaha! Here, let's get you something to eat and then you can get some rest, ok?"

"Yeah... Thanks!"

"Of course, anything for family!"

     Yeah... Family! Senpai thought as he helped Sen get up.

A/N: This isn't the last chapter! I have 1 more chapter planned!

Unexpected feelings (Lemonpai/Lemon Demon x Senpai fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now