𝟎𝟗. 𝐒𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲.

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It was the twenty-fourth of December, Christmas Eve

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It was the twenty-fourth of December, Christmas Eve. During the past few days after my fight I had been in a ball under my covers refusing to move, my family tried every day to get me out but somehow having your raging face with a girls hair wrapped around your hands all over the front page of the newspaper kind of puts you off going outside for the time being.

The girl who I had fought decided she wanted to sell the story to the paper going on making lies that she caught me and her boyfriend doing things and then I went at her first, what a lying bitch she faked bruises on places I hadn't even touched.

I knew Romero had been coming to my house, I heard him walking past my room almost every night on his way to dads office. I knew it was him from the thick Italian accent speaking on the phone, imagine him moaning in Italian down your ear.

I had been only leaving my room at night, when I knew everyone was in bed. Most of the nights I was met with girls coming out my brothers room, shocked to see me eating a pot of strawberry ice cream at half four in the morning.

Anyway onto more important things, Christmas. There was less than 3 hours until Christmas Day and I couldn't be more excited. Being the youngest child and only daughter I get the choice on when to wake everyone up in the morning, meaning I was getting up at five am to bounce on my parents bed like I did when I was younger, obviously threatening Felix and Theo to get involved.

We were sat in the living room, matching checked Christmas pyjamas on and a cup of delicious hot chocolate in our hands while we watched "a Christmas carol". I was placed between mum and dad, I leaned back in my dads torso and placed my legs along my mum while the boys sat in the chairs next to us. Goldie was sat on my lap fast asleep, snoring loudly.

This was a Christmas tradition. We would get ready in our pyjamas, take a Christmas photo before sitting in front of the fire till everyone fell asleep. So far I was dosing away, mum was asleep and leant against me. Our whole house was covered top to bottom with Christmas decorations, since we were children every year we would help dress the tree while mum went behind us moving it to the spot she wanted it at.

"Right I think we should go to bed" Dad whispered, kissing my forehead as I get up watching as he gently shook my mum to get her awake.

"Everything fine, but it's time for bed darling" Dad smiled gently leaning down to kiss my mum who nodded and got up to go upstairs.

"Goodnight my beautiful family" mum yawned, coming over to kiss us all and move up to her room.

"Goodnight my loves" dad smiled wrapping us all in a hug before removing himself and following mum up. We waited for a few moments before I said my good nights to my brothers and walk up the stairs.

Tomorrow we would have to be up and ready for around quarter to twelve, my grandad Leo and Nanna Amelia were coming for Christmas. It's weird seeing dad interact with my grandad considering they were once very close friends before he found out mum was with him. Then at around seven Romero Suculini was planning to come with a few of his friends and the ones that had wives and children were bringing them with them.

Other than that this Christmas was going to be the same as every other one since we were children. Mum and dad both never worked from December 23rd to January 5th meaning it was family time all time.

It was around quarter to five by the time my alarm woke me up, Goldie jumped to the sound of the music and ran over to my bed where she tried her best to hop on the bed.

"Come on baby, merry Christmas" I smiled, stretching myself up and picking her up from the floor then putting her on my bed.

We lied back down for a few moment while I when on my phone, her head was rested on my lap as she looked up at me through her big eyes. I quickly sent a few merry Christmas messages and moved her slightly off me so I could go and brush my teeth.

Getting to the Beth room I looked at myself through the large mirror. My hair was tatted and was a huge mess, I grabbed my brush and began to detangle my hair putting it in a low bun behind my head then begin to do my everyday skincare routine and finishing with a drastic amount of lip balm after.

By this time it was five to five so I bounced out my bathroom, wrapping a white silk dressing gown around me and placing Goldie under my arm. Not bothering to be quite as I slam my bedroom door shut and bounce towards Felix's room that's only a few doors down from mine.

"WAKE THE FUCK UP" I shout barging in "MERRY CHRISTMAS BITCH" I shout at the top of my lungs, stamping my foot on the ground as I barge in.

"Fuck Nova, what time is it" Felix groans hiding his face in his pillow as I make my way towards his bed. My brothers rooms were just as big as mine. fees room was a soft grey tone, a black leather bed, a huge mirror standing just next to the bed which I don't want to think about what it's used for. The room had clothes threw all over it but somehow it always smelt clean, maybe it's because mum would have a meltdown otherwise.

Whereas Theo's bedroom was different, his room was painted navy blue and white with a dark oak bed and the same mirror. Theo had gaming equipment and pc stuff all over his room and his room really was the most organised out of him and Felix. They both has two doors along one side of the room leading to a bathroom and another for there wardrobes.

"Five, come on let's go wake everyone else up" I beam clapping my hands together as Felix chuckles and nods.

"Five, come on let's go wake everyone else up" I beam clapping my hands together as Felix chuckles and nods

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