I look up at the sky and sigh internally.

Be safe Jungkook, we need these smiles to happen with you.


I was for some reasons allowed in class by the Literature teacher even though it was already halfway through and figure that Jin or Yoongi must have had a say in that. Namjoon isn't present in class and I wonder if he's still out searching for Jungkook with Jimin.

Eyes on me from the moment I step foot out of class to head to the next, murmurs start to spread throughout University about the message on my cast. I don't care about what they say, but one of them gets to me. "She must be the reason why Jungkook isn't here today". I purse my lips and hurry to my Maths class, my fear of the teacher for once a small matter compared to Jungkook's unknown whereabouts.

My beliefs are sadly confirmed when I head inside to see Jimin absent. He most definitely forgot to tell the others about yesterday's incident, which explains why no one's been trying to force themselves inside the class to sit by me yet. The teacher enters and class begins normally and I would almost believe that things are back to normal, if not for the his almost constant red eyes on me from time to time.

My phone vibrates and I look at it while the teacher isn't looking, hoping that I'll get away with it. Unlocking the screen to find a message from Jimin, I open it and freeze.

Don't go to class, I can't come yet.

Well... oops. I reply that it's too late, that it's been fine so far and shove my phone in my pocket in a hurry when I hear my name.

"Think my class is so easy that you don't need to listen to the revisions? I'm doing that for you guys since so many of you have questions. Come here" he says and I gulp before slowly standing up.

His red eyes settled on me make me uncomfortable because I know his vampire instincts are triggered by my smell, but he keeps control a lot better than I expected him to, to be honest.

I stop next to him and stare at the board. "You're going to solve this for me. If you can't solve it to perfection, I'm going to make the time you're allowed to do the exam shorter than the others. Maybe that'll force you to study harder".

Feeling the blood drain from my face because that's definitely not anything to help me, I yelp when the door bursts open loudly. I turn to the side to see Jimin glaring at the teacher. "You know you can't threaten students the way you do" he growls and the teacher chuckles.

"I'm just trying to motivate her. But I'm going to ask you to leave the class, Park Jimin, you're late and I don't tolerate late people in class". Jimin's eyes finally fall on me and fill with worry, I must not be looking too confident right now. I try to force a smile and nod at him, trying to convey that I'll be fine but it doesn't do much to reassure him.

"Park Jimin, the door, please. If you don't listen another time, I'm going to have to send you to the director's office" the teacher says, causing Jimin to relent with anger.

"Fine, but act like a damn teacher and stick to it" he spits out before walking out of the room, slapping the door shut behind him. Knowing the hidden meaning behind his words, I mentally thank Jimin when I see the teacher's eyes turn green in annoyance. Thankfully, the vampire shakes his head and turns back to the board.

"Now, where were we? Oh yeah, go ahead and try to solve whatever it is that you can solve". He then goes to sit at his desk and turns on his wheels to stare at me, still annoyed but I guess Jimin's words got to him since he doesn't say more.

Holding the pen tight between my fingers, I try to spot the problems I can solve more easily and get surprised when half of the board is filled with things I understand. Taking my time to solve them correctly, hoping that in the meantime, the rest of the board would look easier, it's sadly not long lived when, now standing in front of what remains, my brain blanks.

Beauty of love (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now