I miss you

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Sarada's POV

It's been 6 hours since bolt was taken to the operation room. Kawaki was shifted to a ward five minutes ago. He also had some injuries in vital areas. He is still unconscious. Aunty hinata is been a crying mess. I looked at the door and saw Mama. WAIT MAMA?. What's she doing here. Wasn't she supposed to be in the sand village. Well what ever I don't care right now since Mama is here aunt ino will be able to heal him with the help of Mama. I ran to her and said "Mama. Please you have to do something. Please save him". She patted my head and said "yes Sarada. I'm here now. Me and ino will take care of him. So why don't you go home with the Uzumaki family and rest. And come back tomorrow ok. It's late already". I protested but when I looked at the family, it was enough to convince me. I walked over to them and helped aunt hinata get up. Lord seventh waited. I, himawari-chan and aunt hinata walked home. They both freshened up and went to bed. I walked to bolts room. As I entered his room his rooms smell filled my nostrils. His room smelled just like him. I layed down on his bed. I did not realise I was that tired. But I just couldn't get myself to sleep. I took a nap for about ten to twenty minutes.


I was walking in the corridors of the hospital. I saw Mama in front of the operation room. She was in her hospital cloths. She looked really tired. Same goes for aunt ino. I made my way to them. As I stood in front of mama.she noticed me and smiled. She bid goodbyes with aunt ino. She motioned me to follow her. As we were walking she said "Sarada cheer up. He's okay. We managed to save him. It took a lot of time but still we managed to save him. If kawaki-kun and Boruto-kun were a little late also they both might have face some serious problems. But thank the God they are okay". I nodded and she suddenly stopped. She turned to me and said "this is Boruto-kun's room. And this is kawaki-kun's room". With that said she walked away. I walked inside kawaki's room first. I saw him sitting. I walked near his bed and said "Hey. You good?". He smiled slightly and said "Yeah. How's he?". I smiled knowing that kawaki cares about bolt. I smiled and said "Mama said he's out of danger. I didn't visit him yet". "so what your saying is you visited me first". I nodded at his question. "Okay. But don't you think you should visit your boyfriend sister-in-law". I blushed at his words. Seeing my reaction he started to laugh. I looked at him with a pout. He raised his hand in surrender and said "Yeah I'll stop. But seriously now go to him". I nodded and we bid goodbye. I took a deep breath before entering his room. I opened the door and saw him laying down on the bed peacefully. He was sleeping. I closed the door and sat besides him. He had a lot of bandages around his body.


It's been two weeks since the day he got admitted. I visited him every day. Sometimes kawaki will spend the night next to him. Kawaki was discharged from the hospital last week. I walked inside the hospital and saw nurse and Mama rushing to bolts room. I was about to enter when the door shut loudly. I waited out since it might be something serious and the nurses probably needs thire space while doing the work. I was waiting patiently when Mama came out with a smile on her face. I looked at her and said "Mama. Is everything okay. Is he okay. Can I meet him?". She smiled and said "Sarada he's awake. We just went in to do a check up on him. And you can go in. I'm going to inform the rest". When she walked out with the nurses I made my way in. I closed the door and saw bolt sitting. I ran to him and hugged him tightly. I heard him chuckle. He hugged me back. Oh how I missed his warm touch and his smile his chuckles. I didn't pull away and tightened my grip. I was crying now.

He looked at me and said "you know you are very strong right". I understood what he meant by that. I loosened my grip and he pulled away. He wiped the tears and said "Come on. Don't cry. Your gonna make me cry. Do you want to see me cry". I quickly shook my head. "good girl. Now as I said I'll make it up to you. And I'm sorry". I looked at him confused and asked "what for?". "I'm sorry for worrying you so much". I nodded and he hugged me. We stayed in that position. We heard the door open and there stood Himawari-chan. She ran to him. I backed away and himawari-chan jumped into his arms. He chuckled and said "Yo Hima". She laughed while crying and said "Onii-Chan. I missed you so much. Mama misses you too. Even kawaki-nii misses you". He looked at kawaki who was standing beside aunt hinata and said "Aww really. I believe the part where you said you and mom miss me but kawaki you too. Well that's a first. So the free Loder actually care". Kawaki got pissed and said "I'm letting you off the hook this once dimwit". They both gave each other a playful smile. Aunt hinata also hugged him and cried.

Soon the visiting hours were over. But one person can stay behind and take care if him. I volunteered and they left home. Bolt looked at me and made space for me on the bed. I flopped down next to him and hugged him. He smiled and said "you really did miss me didn't you?". I nodded and hugged me tighter. Soon we both drifted off to sleep. Finally he's back. Finally I'm able to get a good night's sleep. Finally everything is back to normal. 

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