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Boruto's POV

I woke up to see shika and inojin fighting over a chips packet. I sat on the bed and watched as they make a commotion this early in the morning. I looked over at shika and asked "Hey. Morning. What time is it". While tugging on the chips packet he said "7:am. INOJIN LET GO OF THIS GOD DAMN PACKET". I kept enjoying the view infront of me. I searched around for my shirt but it was no where to be seen. I let it be and just sat there. Soon Sara entered the room with cho cho. Sara came and sat next to me. She gave a kiss on my cheeks and said "good morning". I smiled and said "morning princess. I'm going to be late tonight ok. Don't worry and focus on your mission with others". She frowned and said "why. I thought you were joining us". I smiled and said "no. I just happened to be at the area and decided to stay with you guys. And say with you. Plus I'll come back at midnight".

I sighed and nodded. We both turned our attention back at the duo. Cho cho finished her chips packet and took the packet from the boys and left the room like nothing happened. I laughed so hard that I fell from the bed. Shika and inojin glared at me. I laughed and said "what. You know I'm starting to think that she is more intelligent then you two". I laughed at my own statement. They both attacked me. Shika stopped my movements by his special justu. While inojin kept tickling me. After 5 solid minutes they stopped. I walked over to the bathroom and freshened up. I packed all the things I might need and went downstairs. I shook my head at the sight of my chaotic friends.

I waved them Goodbye and made my way towards the end chapter for deepa. I went to the spot where me and sensei are supposed to meet up. We both went through the plan one more time and entered the headquarters.

Luckily without getting caught or noticed we both searched the whole headquarters. We found some scrolls. We took all the scrolls and headed out. While heading out we saw deepa. Deepa was talking to someone. We couldn't here the whole conversation. They came closer and I could here deepa say "we have to get this right or else jigan won't be so pleased". Soon they entered the headquarters. Before they could find out that the papers where missing we both erased all the traces and left the place. We parted our ways. He took the scrolls and made his way to Konoha. I made my way to snow village. While going I fell into a hole. I groaned from the pain. I came out from the hole and dusted myself off. I had a scratch on my face and a palm size injury on my stomach. I quickly made my way to the village. I knocked on the door and Sara opened the door.

Sarada's POV

We all were in the living room playing ninja cards. I honestly don't know why these idiots carry this everywhere. But at least it is a good time pass. We heard a knock on the door. I opened the door only to be met with an injured bolt. He had his white shirt covered in blood. I gasp and took him. Inside. He limped and I sat him on the sofa. Everyone got alarmed and sumire said "Boruto-kun what happened". He groaned and said "it's nothing I just fell into a hole". I hit his arm and said "when will you learn to be more careful. Can't you see I'm so worried. Seriously Boruto someday your gonna be the death of me". He smiled and said "I was careful. I was just thinking about someone pretty". I blushed I knew he was talking about me. Shika was wrapping bolts wounds. I looked up and saw sumire blushing. Gosh can't she take a hint. Can't she see that we both love each other. 

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