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It's been hours and we haven't stopped running. I don't care how much he have trained but if my feet hurts from all this running. Imma burry him 20ft down the ground. He suddenly stopped and said " Sara I think we should stop now and find a place to spend the night". "ya think". I replied. He just gave me a toothy grin. 

Soon we arrived near a cave that was hidden from a lot of bushes and trees. I'm surprised he even found this place. I was busy checking out the place when he said "I'm just going to get some wood to start a fire ok". I gave him a nod and he left. I changed and freshened up while he was away. Soon he came with some fire woods. 

We both ate some food that our parents prepared for us. He stood up and said "I think we should really go to sleep now we have to get up early right?". I just nodded and started walking towards the cave. While I was walking back a thought came to my mind. He is always calling me Sara when we are alone and even when we are alone I call him Boruto. I should come up with a nickname for him. 

I sat near at the corner of the cave and started to check for a blanket in the bag. The blanket was not there  I started to panic. It's really cold even If the fire is there its still cold. What should I do. Boruto noticed my break down and said "Sara what's wrong". I said "What's wrong?. Is something wrong? Do I look like I have problem? Why would you ask that silly? There nothing wrong?". 

He gave me a suspicious look and said "Ok now I know that there is definitely something wrong. Come on answer me". I sighed in defeat and said "Ok fine I forgot to bring my blanket". He smiled and came closer to me with his blanket and said "here. Take this. I am going to patrol the area. I'll come soon". I know he is not going to patrol the area but I just gave a nod. 


After I gave her my blanket I went near a tree and sat resting my back on it. Owww man I hate this cold. But I just can't have her feeling cold all night. Sara really changed. She is really beautiful. Her onyx eyes are gorgeous. I could stare at them all night. But she is just a team mate right. I can't have feelings for her. If things go wrong between us the whole team would fall apart. But come to think of it, sensei and aunt Sakura were in the same team. It could work out in a better way too.

While I was lost in my thoughts I heard someone say "I wouldn't call this patrolling". I turned my head only to see Sara. I gave her a sleepish smile and said "sorry. I knew if you found out that I was sleeping without a blanket you wouldn't take it". She replied " of course how can I have you sleeping in the clod Boruto when  I know you hate cold more than anything. You would spend whole Christmas complaining about the cold". 

She cam closer and sat next to me and wrapped the blanket covering both our bodies. She kept her head on my shoulder and said "much better". I smiled and putted my arm around her shoulder and said "thank you Sara. For everything". She replied "anytime bolt". 



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