"Yeah!" She called back before I turned on the hair dryer and I could no longer hear her over the noise. When my hair was completely dry and I had turned off the hair dryer, she came in and put the all white beanie on the counter in front of me. "You still have your vans and socks, right?" She asked and I nodded as I put the beanie on my head and made sure my hair looked good. We both went back to her room so I could put on my socks and shoes.

"Bye Mum!"

"Bye Mrs. Layla!" We both waved as we left through the front door and headed to her Lu-chan's car again.

"I'm sooo glad that I woke up right after the last week of school," I grinned after we had already got in the car and were passing the school.

"Yeah, lucky. We had to deal with the boring last days where all we did was basically just sit there," Lu-chan sighed. A few more minutes and we arrived in the parking lot of a small cafe like place. I already recognized some of the cars in the parking lot as my friends'.

When we walked in we got waved over by the gang. Sitting at the corner of the place was Natsu, Erza, Jellal, Lissana, Bixlow, Elfman, Evergreen, Mira, Laxus, Wendy, Romeo, Gray, and Juvia. A majority of us were in the same grade. Erza, Jellal, Mira, and Laxus were a year ahead of me. Romeo and Wendy were a year under me. And everyone else was in the same grade. When we arrived at the table, Juvia jumped up and ran to me, giving me a tight hug which I returned the gesture.

"Juvia was so worried!" She almost cried into my shoulder. "Juvia's glad you're back and okay." She smiled at me after letting go. Lu-chan took a seat by Natsu and patted the seat next to her and across from Juvia, signaling for me to come sit.

"Yeah, we all missed you!" Lissana smiled as she looked at me as I sat down. We all sat at a few tables that were pushed together so we could all sit together.

"I missed you guys, too! Sitting in there everyday was boring as hell," I groaned which caused them to laugh.

"So how are you now?" Erza asked in concern.

"Physically, I'm fine and feel normal. I'm still down that my Mum is still in the coma," I sighed looking down and fiddling with the end of the shirt I was wearing. "But I'm going to be staying with Lu-chan for a while and I still have my job," I said, immediately cheering up so no one was too concerned.

"That's good!" Wendy smiled, making sure to keep my mood happy.

Right after the waiter came and asked us what we wanted to drink. I ordered water and so did Juvia and Wendy. Most of the other people got coke, sprite, or dr. pepper. Well, except Natsu. He tried to ask the waiter for a bottle of hot sauce...... to drink. Like I said before, he really likes spicy stuff. The waiter politely said no while the rest of us laughed at Natsu's stupid request and Gray started teasing him about it. Natsu ended up just getting a coke.

"What was that about, Pinkie?" Gray asked in a mocking tone.

"It's salmon!" He glared daggers that didn't seem to be affecting Gray.

"Salmon's a fish," I butted in and caused a few laughs from people at the table.

"You hear that, Flame Brain? Your hair is a fish!" Gray laughed and only caused Natsu to grow even more irritated.

"It's a color, too!" He argued, wining and sounding like a child.

"And it's a fish, too." Gray said back, enjoying how much he was annoying Natsu.

"Tch, whatever," Natsu grumbled as he looked away from the dark haired weirdo. Gray grinned knowing he won the argument. Soon the waiter brought us our drinks and asked us what we wanted to eat. In order of who was closest to him to the end of the table, we told him what we wanted then handed him our menus. After he got all of our orders he left again so we continued chatting. Natsu and Gray got back to their arguing. Since Juvia, Lu-chan, and I were cut off from the rest of the people by the arguing two, we talked about how my life would be now.

"I don't start work until 3 days from now," I did my own little happy dance when I told them.

"Ugh, I wish I could take off a few days. I have to deal with all of the demanding and annoying people in the drive through," Lu-chan complained. She worked at a fast food restaurant not far from here.

"Where do you work?" Juvia asked me.

"At the library right around the corner from here when you're heading to Lu-chan's house," I said with a smile. "I love working there. The people aren't that annoying and it's quiet so I can read when I'm not busy and no one needs me at the moment."

"Ugh, you're so lucky," They both groaned.

"Where do you work, Juvia?" I asked.

"That one clothes store near the mall. You know? Wet Seal?" She asked.

"Oh yeah! Are the people annoying there too?" I asked, a flash of the store crossed my mind.

"Yeah. They get really upset sometimes and start arguing with me or some of the other employees, but some of them are nice." She sighed.

Soon the waiter brought our food and we all ate and still chatted with our friends and I got to catch up with Lu-chan and Juvia. Turns out while I was out, everyone who had crushes on each other had gotten together. Before I had passed out Natsu and Lu-chan, Mira and Laxus, and Elfman and Evergreen were already together. But everyone else had gotten together the week I was out. I was now officially the only single person left in our gang and I didn't have a crush on any one. Unless you count people I don't have a chance with. Then I have a crush on Gajeel. But we both know that that will never happen.

After we got done eating and got the receipt, we split up the bill and payed for what we got. On our way out the waiter handed me a napkin as he passed me. Everyone else was talking to each other so they didn't notice. I looked down and read his name and number on the napkin.

"What??" I mumbled to myself as I looked back where he had left and saw him again. He didn't look bad. He had dark brown hair that came a little below the top of his ears and had deep dark brown eyes to match. He was a little taller than Natsu which was definitely taller than me. He wasn't over weight but wasn't built either. He was more lanky; skinny and tall. Well tall compared to me, probably normal to other people. 'Yeah I'll probably text or call him,' I thought to myself as I folded the napkin.

"Hey what's that?" She asked me, pointing to the napkin before I shoved it in my pocket. I unfolded it again and read his name... again.

"Ummm..... It's Collin's number," I said, turning the napkin towards her so she could see it.

"Ooooh~ you might get a boyfriend!" She teased as she nudged me in the side with her elbow.

"All he did was give me his number," I laughed. "That doesn't mean we're together."

"We'll see in the future," Lu-chan looked up as if she could see the future like people did with flash backs. "Yepp. You two are so going to get together!" She laughed.

"Whatever," I laughed it off as we said bye to the others and got into her car. The sun was starting to get dark so we went ahead and went to my house. We listened to music and Lu-chan teased me on the way there. When we got there, Lu-chan waited in the car as I went inside and got enough clothes to last me for a few days and I would just wash them when they were dirty at Lu-chan's house.

"Took you long enough," Lu-chan said as she started driving towards her house.

"It wasn't that long so stop complaining!" I poked her cheek as I said it. "I literally spent like 5 minutes in there."

"Well it felt like an hour!" She complained.

"How does 5 minutes feel like an hour?" I asked.

"It just does!" She said before we both laughed and I turned n the radio. We talked a little bit about how cool it was that I got to live with her before we finally reached her house.

After I changed into my pj's, we watched The Devil Is A Part Timer on Netflix. I never ended up texting the waiter that night. We fell asleep in the down stairs couch with my head on one end and her's on the other and our legs were tangles together.

Sooo? How do you like it so far? Don't worry about Collin. Do you think Gajeel will be okay with him by the time he meets him? Any way Gajeel should be coming in next chapter!! See you guys later!!

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