"You guys, want to hear this or not?!" he spoke raising his hands to silence the crowd.

Rozari listened quietly, in the middle of Kirito and Arisa. Diabel had to make a joke involving something that doesn't exist now, could he... 

The crowd went quiet again, and Diabel went far more serious once more. "Right? Anyway, Here is the deal, our party found the boss room at the top of the city," he said

"what?" the players around gasped in astonishment.

Rozari widened her eyes as she was at the edge of her seat, she looked over to Kirito who was at the edge of his seat, clutching his right fist. 

"First, we need to defeat the boss and make our way to Floor 2, the next step is that we need to tell everyone of the other players in the town of beginnings that it is possible to beat this game!" spoke Diabel toward the crowd, clutching his right fist. "Fact is it's our duty as the most capable players here, do you agree or not!" 

Diabel turned his attention to the players sitting in the stands of the Amphiteatre. Rozari noticed  Kiyoko start to stand up and yell at him, but Reiri stopped her before she was able to. "Kiyoko sure is excited lately?" she chuckled to herself.

Around them got very intense, which silence her, she heard a couple of mumblings down below, trying to decide about the certain news. Rozari and Arisa stayed quiet, beside Kirito with a couple of players near the top of the amphitheatre as they listened quietly before one of the players began to clap, and what led after the next more players began to clap. Another player began to whistle amongst the crowd.

Rozari stayed silent, along with the hooded figure, Kirito and Arisa. She noticed Reiri wasn't clapping as well looking confused and trying to stop Kiyoko. 

"Great, I'm glad you are with me on this, let's figure out how to defeat the boss," conceded Diabel toward the crowd.

Rozari leaned over listening with her hand on her face, blinking, sitting beside Kirito, who was doing the same way as she was.

"First of, we'll team up into parties of six-" Diabel spoke

Rozari's eyes went wide and so did Kirito after hearing that. she placed her hand on her chin to think team up in a party of six... perhaps I could team up with Kirito, maybe with Kiyoko, Reiri and Arisa... if that was the case... Rozari thought.

Kirito gasped softly after hearing that, Rozari turned toward him after he moved slightly beside her. Rozari was concerned for him, she noticed Kiyoko and Reiri spoke together under their breaths. 

Arisa blinked seemingly in her thoughts and Rozari didn't try to question her partner beside her.

"Kirito, do you want to form a party together?" said Rozari, turning to him as he began to panic. spotting the hooded girl near her. "we can team up with Kiyoko and Reiri as well?" 

"of course Rozari," he spoke, he quickly opened his menu to invite Rozari to join his party, which Rozari accepted before he scooted over toward the hooded figure, to talk to her noticing how alone she is, he also did so with Arisa as well. 
Rozari grabbed Arisa and shifted after him, noticing the hooded girl. this also seems to jot Arisa out of her re-occurring thoughts as well.

wait... is that- thought Arisa, her eyes moved wider. Rozari paused noticing the name Kirito invited into his party that was under her name and Arisa's Asuna... she noticed as Kirito widened his eyes directly at the name under the life bar gauge.

Rozari stood up, and beckoned Kiyoko and Reiri to join her "oh hey would you like to join Kirito's party Kiyoko and Reiri!" 

"I don't see why not Rozari" Reiri responded, "plus I don't think there is anyone else available to join?" 

"agreed..." sighed Kiyoko, feeling bummed that Reiri won't let her join Diabel's party and Rozari lightly grinned at her, seeing why she was bummed. that wouldn't keep her from asking Diabel to join the guild she created... for her friends... 

"I don't see why not Reiri, Kiyoko?" Kirito responded sending the invite over to the two girls "and sent?"

Kiyoko and Reiri accepted the invites, through their menus. "that is it, the party is full" Kirito spoke.

Both girls sat down beside Arisa. Asuna turned her head looking at both Kirito and Rozari, whispering under her breath about the two appearances. Rozari blinked catching Asuna's eye, who she later looked ahead once again.

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