Hector stayed silent as he glanced over at me for a quick second before suddenly stopping in his track. I stopped as well as I look over at him as he seems to have an unreadable expression on his face. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've ever been alone with Hector for this long. I'm usually always with Grimshaw but that's usually because he keeps popping up everywhere I am. I'm not sure how Hector feels about me, but I'm assuming that he hates me as well since he was always cold towards me in the gym. I mean he seems mellow at the moment now, but I'm sure he will switch to cold just as quickly as Grimshaw's mood changes.

"I can't say about Grim, but I know I wouldn't." Hector finally spoke up before continuing walking upstairs.

"Wait what? Why not?" I ask following him.

"What do you mean why not?" Hector asks a bit coldly.

"I mean, you're supposed to want to kill me right? You're in the club that performs dark magic." I plainly state confused.

"Whats me being a part of a dark club have anything with wanting to kill you? You're just assuming things, which is something you do a lot." Hector tells me as he pushes the door open before walking out into the hallway.

"I-I don't mean to it's just that dark wielders are usually evil and like to kill people." I state like it was obvious.

Hector stops making me crash into him. I back away quickly as he spun around with anger and annoyance written across his face. I swallow nervously as he opens his mouth to say something but stops. I furrow my eyebrows when he suddenly grabs my wrist tightly before pulling me into another room. I'm about to ask him what the hell he's doing when he covers my mouth. I grab onto his hand trying to remove it but he pressed tighter, and he squeezed my wrist tighter to indict to stop. I'm so confused about what's going on but I stop trying to move his hand off of my mouth. I then heard footsteps and voices, and one of the voices I recognize as Finns. I flinch as I became afraid that he was going to find us in here, but he kept on walking. Finn was talking to someone and I don't know who it was but they sounded angry at Finn. The voice also almost sounded familiar but I couldn't put my finger on who it was. It sounded too muffled for me to get a good understanding of the owner of the voice.

We stayed still and quiet until they passed us. When they left Hector still didn't move or removed his hand. I stay still wondering if he knew that they were still nearby, maybe like some sort of dark magic ability or something. Of course, when he still didn't move or let me go and I heard nothing then I became frustrated. I struggled to get out of his hold which he let me go immediately. I spun around to yell at him but didn't realize how close we actually were. I flush out of embarrassment before looking away and tried to find the door handle in the dark, but I couldn't find it. What the hell! Where is it? When my hand finally found the handle I tried to open it but it wouldn't open. Are you kidding me? This can't be happening!

"Why is the door locked? Why can't we get out?" I ask panicked.

"What are you talking about? Just turn the handle." Hector says simply.

"I am! It's not opening!" I growled at him.

"Move. I'll open it." Hector says squeezing by me as he squished between me and the wall to get to the door, "What did you do to the door?"

"Me? I didn't do anything! You're the one who brought us in here!" I growled at him.

"Did you want to encounter Finn again?" Hector asks knowing that I didn't.

"How are we going to get out of here?" I ask changing it back to our situation.

Hector stays silent and he better be thinking of a way out of here, because I feel squished, and this small space is getting to me. I'm not a fan of small spaces, never have since I was a child but when I try to think about why it makes my head hurt. I used to be fine with small spaces, but they started bothering me around the time my father died in the car crash. When I mention to my mother that I don't like small spaces anymore and that I find it kind of strange, she just told me that I'm still in shock from my father's sudden death. My mom never liked to talk about him and she always acted weird when I mention my dad. I lost him when I was twelve and mom and I had to struggle, but we usually got by. At least I thought we were. When mom got a new job working for Mr. Dubuik when I was fourteen, then things definitely turned for the worse. Now I'm seventeen and stuck at this dangerous school with Mr. Dubuik coming after me, and my mom is dead. Of course, there's the current situation where I'm still trapped in the small closet with Hector.

"Can't you just use your dark magic to open the door?" I ask him feeling like I'm gonna hyperventilate any minute.

Hector stops trying to open the door as he turns towards me with an annoyed expression, "That's not how it works, new girl."

I felt disappointed by his answer as he turned around trying to force the door open. I place my hand over my chest as I started hyperventilating. I hated that I couldn't calm myself down, and I hated that this was happening in front of Hector. I kept hearing the door rattle as he tries to get us out, but as I kept hyperventilating everything around me start to blur. I then felt hands on my shoulders shaking me gently. I knew it was Hector but if he was trying to say something to me I can't hear him. I wished I stayed in my room today.


I'm not sure how long we've been stuck inside of the closet, but Hector managed to help me calm my breathing. He had to keep me calm until he figures out how to get us out of here or until someone finds us. I felt guilty and uncomfortable that this guy who wields dark magic is helping me to stay calm, so I won't hyperventilate anymore. I had to look away from him as I'm uncomfortable from being in here with him for this long, and from the fact of what just happened just now. How did this even happen to us anyway? We were just heading to the club room when we had to hide from Finn, but somehow the door handle got stuck. Now we are stuck in here. I'm surprised that the other club members aren't looking for Hector right now, shouldn't they be wondering where he is?

"This is stupid." Hector whispers as he tries again with trying to get the door open.

I stopped hyperventilating so I figured it was safe to answer him, "What is?"

"What do you think? This door, and being stuck in this stupid closet. I bet Finn did something to this door. He must've seen us run in here." Hector growls.

"Oh." I say not sure what to say.

"What? Did you thought I was talking about you?" Hector asks looking at me.

"I don't know. Maybe." I mumbled awkwardly.

"Why? Because you don't like small spaces? Who cares, everyone has something that they can't handle. Yours just happen to be small spaces." Hector explains to me matter of fact.

"What can't you handle?" I ask but immediately regret asking him that.

"Me?" Hector asks looking at me like he's trying to figure out if he should tell me or not, "Well, it's-"

Hector was interrupted when the door suddenly opened, and since Hector was practically leaning against it he fell with the door. I lost my balance when Hector fell as he accidentally tripped me. Hector fell on his back as I fell on top of him and we both let out a groan as we landed. I open my eyes as I push myself up feeling myself flush out of embarrassment again. Hector stares up at me before looking over to the side of whoever opened the door. I look over as well and felt even more embarrassed as it's Grimshaw. He has a stony expression as he stares down at both of us. Hector pushes me off of him as he stands up swiftly and smoothly, while I stumbled while trying to stand up myself.

"Finally we are out of there." Hector mumbles relief.

"What were you two doing in there?" Grimshaw asks looking over at Hector.

"Originally hiding from Finn, but then we got stuck in there. The stupid doorknob wouldn't turn and let us out of the closet." Hector explains to Grimshaw calmly.

He continues to stare at Hector before slowly nodding his head. He then turns and starts walking away from both of us which made me confused. I shake my head as it's probably nothing, at least I'm not stuck in that closet anymore. I start following after Hector and Grimshaw even though I honestly don't want to. I wonder how he knew where Hector and I were anyway, but I guess it doesn't matter. We walked down the hallway in silence but I felt like I was being watched. It made me feel uneasy and made my skin crawl as I tried to find the source. My eyes widen when I stop outside of a classroom as I hear faint voices inside. I glance over towards the guys and they didn't seem to have heard them. My curiosity got the best of me as I walk up to the door and peek inside. I wasn't surprised when I saw that it was Finn, but the other guy that was with him surprised me.

It was Hansen.

The ClubOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora