Pinkie: I heard that, do you keep having to awful to me?

Rarity: Oh don't act so innocent you Hypercake when you are just as bad as her! *Points to Fluttershy*

Pinkie: What the *quickly covers Eri's ears* the fuck you mean by that?!

Rarity: *Ignoring Pinkie* I'd be happy to offer my assistance for the Fall Formal. Since I know you would all appreciate my hard work and talent.

(This leads to a full on argument between the former friends all yelling at each other, it got so bad that Spike hid in Twilight's backpack and Eri moved behind Izuku.)

AJ: ENOUGH, will all of ya'll stop yelling about these stupid arguments and get over it.

Rarity: Oh like how you got over what Rainbow Dash did to you?!

AJ: That is different, she said she and the softball team would show up to my bake sale and they never did and I told everyone they would be there which made me look like a liar!

The Other Girls: IT'S NOT DIFFERENT!


(The girls then go back to arguing until Izuku and Twilight get fed up)

Izuku&Twilight: SHUT UP!!!

*everyone goes silent*

Izuku: Girls listen please *Eri hand him the old yearbook* look at this, you all used to be such good friends.

Twilight: Until it all changed, and the that was caused by Sunset Shimmer.

Rarity: That's a nice theory darling's but she had nothing to do with it.

Fluthershy: She's right, since she wasn't the one who ruined my silent auction at the animal shelter with fireworks.

Pinkie: What are you talking about? You texted me that you wanted a big party instead.

Fluttershy: What? But I never sent you a text.

Pinkie: Say what?

Rarity: Wait so does that mean you never sent me any texts about having enough volunteers for decorating, because whenever I asked to help you always said you had enough but then I find out you did it all by yourself.

Pinkie: I never sent you any texts.

Eri: Maybe Sunset is why Rainbow Dash never went to you bake sale miss AJ.

Izuku: Didn't you ask her about it?

AJ: Umm, I kind of stopped talking to her afterwards *put hat in front of face in shame*

Twilight: Then maybe now is the perfect time to make up with her.

Izuku: Right, we need to find her after class since our teachers are probably wondering why we aren't in class.


(few hours later)

(We cut to the soccer field where AJ and Rainbow are talking about what happened)

Eri: I think it's going well.


Izuku: Easy Pinkie we all see it.

(AJ and Rainbow walk over)

AJ: I think we all know someone and that someone being who we all know tole Rainbow Dash my bake sale was cancelled.

Rainbow: So you 2 want to take down Sunset is that right?

Izuku: You got it Rainbow-Chan we'll do whatever it takes to win.

Rainbow: Well I'll be glad to help, all she's got to o is beat me in 5 games.

Twilight: Wait, WHAT!

Eri: Don't worry Twilight, you can do this

( She in fact did not have this and lost... hard)

Twilight: *Lying on the ground gasping for air*

Eri: *comforting her*

Izuku: *sweat drops* Don't yo think you maybe went a bit too rough on her Rainbow?

Rainbow: Eh can't blame her because I'm too awesome to beat, but I'll still help you out.

Twilight: What? But I lost.

Rainbow: Well yeah you did, bur being the princess of the fall formal means you got to have determination and you showed that trying to beat me.

Izuku: Alright the gang's back together again, now we just got to figure out how to get the rest of the school to help.

AJ: Right, if no one votes for her she'll never win. Since people only know Twilight from her video we need something to help people see her differently.

Rarity: OOOHHH I have just the thing that can help!

Eri: Let's go make Twilight the princess. *pumps fist in air*

Everyone Else: YEAH!!! *pumps fists in air*

DBZ narrator: The girls have finally reconciled after what Sunset Shimmer has done now our team of friends plan to make the rest of CHS make Twilight the princess. Will they be able to succeed? What is there plan? What will Sunset do to stop them? Find out NEXT TIME ON IZUKU: THE HERO OF FRIENDSHIP!!

I finally was able to get back on Wattpad again! YAY!!!! then I realized it happens a week before my finals...... MOTHERFU-. I SWEAR I will try to update more (Hopefully that goes well and Wattpad isn't banned on my school laptop again.)

Izuku The Hero of FriendshipWhere stories live. Discover now