Twilight's First Day

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(After showing Twilight around the school and going to classes it was now lunch time and our 3 heroes were in line with Fluttershy.)

Izuku: Hey Fluttershy I want you to meet the new student Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight: Nice to meet you Fluttershy.

Fluttershy: Well it's  nice to meet you to Twilight.

Izuku: Isn't it great we are already friends, also Fluttershy Twilight here is running for Princess of the Fall Formal.

Fluttershy: WHAT!

Fluttershy accidentally drops her fruit bowl over Izuku.

Fluttershy: Oh my I'm so sorry.

Izuku: It's no problem it was just an accident.

Fluttershy grabs napkins and starts wiping Izuku.

Eri: But why did you freak out Ms. Fluttershy?

Fluttershy: I was just surprised, are you really running for princess?

Twilight: Yes, why is that a bad thing?

Fluttershy: No, It's just that no one ever goes up against Sunset Shimmer she-

( Fluttershy still getting Izuku got to his "special area" and noticed it was a bit on the big scale level which caused her to blush crazy.)

Izuku: Fluttershy you ok? ( how did those napkins completely clean my suit? )

Fluttershy: YES.... I mean yes, it's just that nobody ever goes up against Sunset Shimmer and when she wants something she gets it by any means necessary just ask the last girl who ran.

Izuku: "why do I get the feeling I don't want to know." 

Twilight: I have to try!

Eri: *pumps arm in air for support.*

Fluttershy: Oh I don't you understand, you have to make everyone want to vote for her instead of Sunset. She then lists all of the clubs which are a lot.

Twilight: Why is every pony- Izuku nudges her arm before she reveals she's from another world full of ponies - I mean everybody separated this way?

Fluttershy: Well I'm not sure how it was at you old school's but here at CHS everyone sticks with their own kind. One thing everyone does have in common is Sunset Shimmer is going to rule this school until we graduate.

Eri: That sounds vewy bad.

Izuku: There is no way I'm going to let that happen, I'll do anything I can do to make sure everyone will have a princess that is amazing, smart, kind, and beautiful with me as the prince to make everyone not have to worry about Sunset Shimmer anymore.

With that both girls blush from what he said.

Twilight: ME TOO! 

She then bites into while also grabbing it with her mouth which made Fluttershy give her a weird look while Izuku was trying to make her use her hands.

Twilight: R-Right, so where can we find the head of the party planning committee?

After Lunch our Trio of Cinnamon Rolls arrives at the gym to see it's decorated for the dance.

After Lunch our Trio of Cinnamon Rolls arrives at the gym to see it's decorated for the dance

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