Chapter 2. The Fire Unexpected

Start from the beginning

She sat down on the wet ground and buried herself in tears. Her bawling could be heard echoing the forest. She sniffled in guilt. She pulled her hair in frustration. His family would go all around in search for him. What if the signs lead his murder to her? Then the whole village will know of her identity.

Her face grew red. 'I can't let them find him' she said to herself.

She got up immediately and decided to go back to the scene of murder she is lost.

'Oh lords!!! What did I do to deserve this? I killed a man but wasn't it an accident...' she cried looking up the sky.

She looked around the unfamiliar sights. She definitely is lost she thought bitterly.

Suddenly the ground beneath her shook. She fell down but the tremors stopped. She trembled in silence.

She slid her fingers to the soil and she felt the Earth beneath her shake.

Something is coming towards her. And fast. Something big and probably not tame.

She jumped up and ran to an unknown direction and suddenly the ground started to break and smoke rise from the ground.

Aerona panicked but she started to run with all her might. And her wings going up all the way and the wind positioning the feathers for flight.

As Aerona started to run faster she felt herself lift of the ground.

'What??!! No! I'm not going to fly' she yelled. But the wings seemed like to have a mind of its own. She was suddenly lifted a few feets causing her to panic a lot more the cracks and tremble on the ground.

The ground suddenly broke open and a vile creature so hideous emerged from the ground.

The beast had an owl head on a lion's body. The creature roared and charged towards her. Aerona screamed like all hell loose.

But suddenly the wings pulled her up to the sky. Aerona screamed in panic while the creature was thrown off guard.

Aerona was high up the sky. She knew not how to fly and her panic evident on her face.

She flapped her wings trying to imitate the birds but this did not seem to work but she started to fall down. Right down at the creature.

The golden eyes of the creature piercing her with its gaze.

Her life flashed in her eyes but as she fell to its mouth her wings flourished wide and with a might swing she took off to the sky again.

Aerona's scream intensified. Not from fright. But from ecstasy.

'Okay so my wings are controlled by my thoughts' she said while stopping mid air.

She grinned and turned herself to the right and now flew soaring like an eagle.

She shouted in glee and tried to flip herself around the air. But she was unbalanced and staggered down but immediately pulled herself up.

'Better not try anything new' she reminded herself.

As she was up the sky she saw the village of Rudark a few miles away.

She smiled in relief and happiness pounded her heart.

But suddenly a small part of the village started smoking. At first she thought the creature has gone to the village but then she saw many people throwing buring torches at the houses. And now the smoke turned to blazing fire.

'My family!!!' she cried and flew as fast as she could towards the village.

She heard cries and bellows coming from inside the burning houses and many people who jumped outside their houses were on fire or the villagers cut them up.

The villagers saw her flying overhead and started firing arrows at her. She dodged them and flew to her house and saw her house breaking down in fire. No sound coming from he house.

She flew down ignoring the blazing fire.

And amongst broken charred woods she saw burned corpses.

She walked slowly through the coals and ashes. Her mind void. She went near the corpse and examined it. A small cloth was sticking to the burned skin. She plucked it off the skin and saw it was maroon apron cloth. The one her mother wore.

Her heart hit a million times. She looked around and saw another two corpses on top of each other.

Airen seemed to have died trying to protect the older sister from the falling ceiling but got burned but the fire. Aerona couldn't bear it. She screamed in pain of heart.

Suddenly she heard a long hoarse wail. She looked behind her and saw a man. Her adoptive father.

'Papa!!! No go back!!' she yelled knowing what might happen.

But he didn't hear her and ran towards the burning fire. The men of the village saw him, pulled him off the buring ground and decapitated him with no hesitation.

'Papa!!' she yelled and ran towards his body.

The men positioned their swords and arrows. But Aerona was not in a mood to dodge and run. She was burning with revenge wrath that could burn the whole village.

She charged at them. Her wings wide open in a fighting stance. 'I killed a man. And I will not hesitate to kill a thousand more' she screamed and jumped at a man. Stepping forcefully at his head, it went down the earth.

The others charged at her with their swords high. She swung her wing and threw all of them to the ground. But another jumped up immediately and hit her head with its hilt and she fell down unconscious...

 But another jumped up immediately and hit her head with its hilt and she fell down unconscious

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