『 16 』

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"Sho please say something"Yuki said, bothered by his silence as they walked back to the house. Shoto refused to let Yuki use magic 1 more time.

"What the fuck do you want me to say that you betrayed me or that you are one of those people"Shoto yelled.

' no sho I never betrayed you please believe me '

"Sho I never betrayed you or anyone "Yuki cried.

"Then why were you lying, why did you pretend to be what you are not?"Shoto said in anger.

' sho you hate my kind what should I have done '

"Sho I was never pretending I am Yuki and my father also named me Houmi. I was not pretending"Yuki explained in tears.

"How the hell do you want me to believe that you lied about who you were to everyone. you played with my feelings "Shoto yelled slamming his hand on the tree, it shook as a result of him hitting it.

"Sho no I never played with your feelings, it was all true"Yuki cried even harder.

"I told Tenya that you weren't a traitor. I yelled at that bastard that we had no spy but here you are"Shoto scoffed.

' sho please believe me '

"Sho I wasn't a spy"Yuki tried to grab his hand which he yanked away causing her to fall.

"We risked our lives for you. Izuku is unconscious, Katsuki and I are badly hurt we could have died is that what you wanted?"Shoto looked at her with so much anger in his heterochromic eyes.

' I would never hurt you or anyone sho I love you please don't be like this '

"Sho no I-"

"Don't call me that"Shoto yelled, cutting Yuki off.

"Shoto please don't be like this after all that we've been through"Yuki pleaded as tears drenched her face.

"Don't give me that crap, emotional blackmail will not work on me"Shoto walked away as Yuki tried to catch up with him.

"Shoto please don't-"Yuki was cut off by her own sobbing.

' please don't leave me '

"I don't want to see you again"Shoto said coldly.

"What?"Yuki said, looking up in surprise.

"I said I don't want to ever see you again"Shoto said as he finally turned to look at her in the eye, her silver orbs glittering with tears, her face stained with tears as well, her once beautiful floral gown ripped and stained, she was barefoot.

' sho no please don't  '

"Shoto"Yuki stopped running after him.

"I don't want to see you again. You can come to get your belongings but I don't want to see you around after today"Shoto turned back and started walking to catch up with Katsuki who was carrying Izuku.

"Shoto why?"Yuki asked, crying unable to move.

"Because I might do something that I will end up regretting to you"Shoto said as he continued walking away without looking back at Yuki, who was left standing in one spot.

' they all told me about how you would react but I thought I could convince you oh sho I thought that we would last but I guess it is not meant to be thank you Todoroki Shoto for the time we spent together. I will always love you '

Yuki smiled faintly before bursting back into tears.

"Told you kid"Dabi said as he appeared from behind her, extending his hand towards her as she wiped her tears.

𝓟𝓱𝓸𝓮𝓷𝓲𝔁 → ᴛ. ꜱʜᴏᴛᴏ Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon