"Bailey." TK called.

            Bailey stopped halfway back to the house and looked back toward the road, seeing TK and Carlos hurrying over to her.

"Why are you moving so fast?" TK asked. "Take a second, you don't want to overheat."

            Bailey's face was red and she was sweating. She shook her head and stumbled.

"N-no, gotta get outta here, please." She stuttered.

            Carlos caught her shoulder before she fell over. TK looked over at Judd who had begun walking towards them.

"Open the passenger side," TK said, helping Carlos move Bailey over to the truck. "Put the AC on full."

            Judd's gate stuttered as he jogged back to his truck and followed TK's directions. Carlos took the brunt of Bailey's weight when they lifted her into the truck. TK climbed in first and as soon as Bailey was in, Carlos closed the passenger door before opening the back and climbing in himself and shutting the door. TK fiddled with the AC controls and the vents to make sure that Bailey was getting all the air possible. Bailey's breathing was labored and her cheeks were bright red. Her phone was alerting constantly and TK was watching the numbers fluctuate.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" TK asked.

            Bailey took a few deep breaths before she tried to speak.

"Sable's inside with them," She breathed, her eyes moving toward the house. "They're mad."

            TK nodded.

"Yeah, we expected that," Carlos spoke up, leaning over into the front so that he could see Bailey. "But why are you pushing yourself so hard?"

            Bailey shook her head.

"I just want to leave here." She said, a tear dripping down her face.

            TK wiped it away gently and smiled.

"You're getting out of here, but let's get you home instead of to the ER, okay?" He said.

            Bailey smiled weakly and nodded. Her temp was definitely better but with her cheeks still flushed TK wanted her in the car for a bit longer.

"Is all of your stuff in your room?" Carlos asked.

            Bailey nodded.

"It's all labeled." She said.

"Okay, you stay here and finish cooling down and we are going to finish moving your stuff out. Judd is going to be right outside loading boxes." Carlos said.

            Bailey nodded, letting herself sink into the seat. TK slid out of the driver's side and Carlos got out of the back. Judd stood against the side of his truck, watching the house with a keen eye.

"Whatever is going on in there is not pleasant." He said, jutting his chin at the house.

"What makes you say that?" Carlos asked.

"The wife keeps peeking her head around the curtains and she looks pissed. I've seen your social worker a couple times; she has a face like she's trying to defuse a bomb." Judd said.

            TK sighed.

"Well this should be fun." He muttered.

            A car horn sounded once and Carlos swiveled his head to see Paul, Marjan, and Mateo pulling up behind Judd's truck. They were quick to pile out.

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