Pieces of a Puzzle

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"You are quite a woman Lady Adele." She swallowed slightly and stood before Ky, she wasn't sure what to expect right now. It had been a couple days since the attack, and they were still cleaning up from it. She had heard that they'd killed all the human or human like beings that came to test their keep and take from it if they could. A test of defenses, well the small attack had failed badly and several wraiths had been dispatched as well.

"Thank you." She said feeling that he meant it. Plus he used the title lady that was good. Also his tone wasn't as dry like it normally was. She also wasn't sure she liked how he was staring at her. It felt really intense and a bit uncomfortable as he clearly looked her over.

"Tell me something, and don't lie. I can sense deceit in a scent even if I'm not one hundred percent the reason why one is deceitful.

"Okay." She commented glancing up and meeting his dark gaze. She did see the wolf there now, it was kind of hard not to. Though it oddly didn't bother her that he was something else. What bothered her was that he could end her life with a word.

"Did your father truly not value your capabilities or was he just that ignorant about them? Even those that are sexist can still see what you bring to the table and you would have been worth a great deal in marriage to the right one." She let out a slow breath. Well if he was asking then clearly he wasn't thinking that she was in line with her father.

"He was purposefully ignorant I think, he didn't want to believe a woman capable of the same intelligence or more than a man. That I could learn things he felt only his sons should. I taught my younger brother, helping him improve to the level our father wanted. My sisters didn't partake because they were afraid. I did it in secret, at night when no one watched. I followed my brothers and practiced what my father wanted me to while still learning what my brothers were taught. I want to know how to defend myself. I wanted to know how to use a weapon, because one day I knew I'd need it. One day I would be a wife and I was not going to rely on the mercy of my husband if it meant protection, protecting my children. So no my father wasn't aware of what I learned completely, just that I was trying. If he found out, he tried to put a stop to it." She told him honestly. At this point she figured if he was going to punish her for being forthright it would have happened.

"What a fool." He said with a half smile. "Though after the events a couple nights ago I don't see a reason to complain that you were tossed here at a whim." She watched him as he took a step forward before her where she stood and she felt her body tense and heart pick up.

"Does this mean I am not in trouble for being in the library?" She asked quietly and hopefully. She figured that she'd been called here today for this reason and so far he didn't seem pissed off like the last few times.

"Your lack of listening annoys me greatly. However if you hadn't been in there they might have done some damage. There are things, or were things hidden in there but have since been moved knowing there was a breach." Ky had such an urge to reach and touch her. It was growing rather fiercely seeing the woman she was, seeing how she fought. His interest in her was at an all time high, she was however human so her social cues and understanding were different. Though not completely, and if she was like him she'd be able to scent his shift toward her and the sudden desire he felt. Not because she was a pretty face with a nice body. What he saw the other night made him take notice of her for other reasons.

"I'm sorry." She said and he slightly raised an eyebrow.

"No you aren't, you will do it again. You can't help yourself clearly. If you could your father wouldn't have given you to me to do what I want with you. You are not capable of being obedient." He could see a slight redness to her cheeks.

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