Playing The Part

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Adele looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath. Then stepped out of the small room and went to the meeting room. She'd informed the kitchen staff immediately of what they needed to have prepared when word came that the Tannins were here. She knew that it was Gof now, and he dealt with weaponry. His section was well known for it and high quality items, but they were shrewd businessman.

She walked down the hall centering herself and entered the room they were going to meet in. Navi, Jamis and Ky were all there, both Navi and Jamis looked formally dressed and that was good. Chances were they would just stand in the background, just in case. All about appearances. She looked at the sitting area and then over to where the tea and few other novel items were that she knew Lord Gof would find pleasing.

"Adele." She turned and moved over to where Ky was. The three men were all well built and it was kind of intimidating being in the room alone with them. They were taller than her, and just looking at them she got this wild feeling. Hard to explain, but she bowed her head slightly to him.

"Yes Sire?"

"Have you ever had someone speak mentally to you?" She was confused for a second.

"You mean telepathy." She said carefully.

"Yes. Have you?" He more demanded.

"No." She informed him as Jamis and Navi was speaking quietly together. Ky stepped and raised her head up by the chin just using a couple fingers.

"Look at me." He demanded and she met his gaze.

It can be disorientating at first. It shocked her the clarity and how it felt like he spoke right in her ear. It also felt more, and his voice felt more too in her head. There was an odd disorientation like the room might spin but she shook it off.

"I am not telepathic. How can I speak back?" She asked not shocked at all, she figured that the rumors had to be true. Clearly he wasn't going to pretend or hide the oddities. He did just tell her that the children she was going to be teaching were special.

I will hold a bridge, just think like you would speak. You do not need to make eye contact. I see your mind and the bridge is set. He stepped back from her.

Okay. She responded giving it a try and he looked her over. She had her hair down and it fell nicely around her framing her face with just a bit held back in a very small knot. The dress she wore was a deep burgundy that hugged her well. It was simple yet elegant with a gold band that went around the waist and came to a V in the front with a loose skirt. The top was lower v cut as well.

"You will tell me what they say when they speak their own language via mind." She nodded and there was a bit of sound in the hall. She backed up and stood off to the side silent as the group came in. Four men being led by a different servant she hadn't met yet.

Ky watched Adele move and she was very graceful and with the dress she wore as well as her hair done she was even more beautiful than before. She was elegant and her raven hair appeared to have almost a purple hue to it, it was so dark. Her blue gaze stood out, and her skin looked flawless and smooth. Honestly it was hard not to just stare at her and imagine a few things right then.

"Greeting King Ky, thank you for seeing us!" This was Lord Gof, a portly man who was clearly used to his creature comforts. All Ky could see in him was weak prey. Easy to take down, easy to kill. Lucky for the man he'd learn how to be civilized. One day though these humans would regret the damage they had caused.

"I am surprised, you made good time even with the fresh snow fall." He commented gesturing for the man to have a seat, he did and so did his son that was with him. The other two stood. Ky did not sit at the moment, he needed to finish assessing those before him before his animal could be comfortable enough to sit.

Where Loyalties Lie (Book one)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن