When You Want To Know

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Adele sat next to a young woman who was starting to write rather well from her practice. She just had to correct a few things and had her do it over. Adele had seven here at the moment, and now that she had scheduled times more wanted to learn. She was also only teaching Ky's kind currently and they were very fast learners. There was one day in the week where she taught the humans in the keep. She was teaching them enough to help get another up to par that could also be proficient enough to start schooling the others to make this easier.

"Adele." She looked up as Jackie came in and over to her. She stood up and met Jackie as she crossed the room.

"What can I help you with?" She asked her. She'd already talked with Jamis about one of the children earlier who had a slight tantrum and now she knew what Ky had meant before. He'd gotten incredibly frustrated with himself not being able to do the math she put forth and he'd destroyed the table and had a slight shift to his features. She didn't think this was about that, but one never knew. It wasn't like she reprimanded the boy other than telling him that they were done for the day.

"Ky sent me to have you pack a travel bag. Mushin responded to the letter and said that he was willing to talk and offer aid. I don't know much more about it then that, and you are to go with." Adele was surprised that it got there and back so fast. However she saw a couple of the ones that she'd heard referred to as runners. Younger werewolves that clearly had speed on their side. She was really starting to wonder how many here were human.

"Oh, alright. I wasn't quite done here."

"I can help. I mean at least a little and so will the others. The past few weeks have really helped. Especially those that are traveling to watch others or to our towns." She agreed with that and she moved from the room to head to hers and pack like she'd been told.

Adele went down to the main area as that was where she was instructed to go once she was ready. She had a small bag that had just a few items in it. A change in clothes and such. She wasn't told for how long they were going to be gone. So hopefully she'd be able to wash what she had or get clothes there if they were staying for a while. She was excited and nervous to say the least. She hoped that they had what they were looking for and that there was information to be had. Honestly she liked this feeling of being useful.

Adele moved to go out the front as she didn't see anyone in the main area. She paused for a moment though looking at the throne area and it just looked neglected. She moved to the exit and seeing the unused area just made her feel good about where she was for some reason. It was nice to know that not all rulers spent their time sitting in a chair, but were actually doing something.

She pulled up her hood on the thick riding cloak that she had and her hair was down around helping provide warmth as there was a bit of wind. She had changed her clothes too, what she wore looked like a skirt but it wasn't. More like a wrapped skirt that hid the pants she had underneath that were insulated a bit. She had boots on as well seeing she was going out in the snow. Happy that these things were provided and what she'd rode here with hadn't been taken she approached where she saw Jamis and Ky where standing.

Next to them was what looked like a huge furry horse at first. However that was not what this was, and she had an idea of what this creature might be. It was much like a horse but different, it had dense soft fur that was similar to a lynx. It had hand like paws on the front instead of hooves but hooves in the back. There was no mane and the rest was shaped like a horse, it had copper eyes and the fur was a dense grey. She thought this might be a chimen.

"Your bag." Ky said and she handed it to him. He took it and put it into a larger bag that he then turned and attached to one strap kind of hidden in the fur. There was no saddle or reins from what she could see. Just a strap that looked like it hooked somewhere around the front legs.

Where Loyalties Lie (Book one)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें