Cautious Repercussions

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Ky was not in a good mood at all. He'd been slowly going through the shelves looking. He had no idea where anything about the Semi would be. So much had been destroyed about them, and their people too. He'd just stopped stood there for a second ready to throw something through the wall. He was tired of the attacks, the death and cost to the land. He was about ready to start going on a rampage like Kaves and conquering land just to get rid of the vermin.

Then he'd heard the quietest sound above him, and the soft sound of paper. He immediately went on alert and moved swiftly with no sound up the level. Ky was not normal, and neither were half the people in this keep. They kept their secrets, and the fact that they were inhuman wasn't anyone else business and gave them an edge. Which he immediately smelled the fresh apple like scent and his gaze narrowed.

Adele was at the end of the aisle gathering some papers. Her wealth of hair was down and draped over her. He was going to kill her if she was up here spying, and that sure was what it looked like. Her surprise and the fact that she didn't fight him gave him just a bit of doubt so that he didn't snap her neck immediately.

She had met his gaze initially, but then she lowered it. Clearly she had decided that he'd made up his mind regardless if she was innocent or not. Her just get on with it attitude gave him pause and calmed him just a bit. He never did like simpering fools, he didn't trust people that begged and pleaded. He looked her over for a minute. Why did all pretty faces hide such vipers?

He looked at the papers and noted names on the top corner. There were simple math problems, words to copy and lines to recite for pronunciation. As he flipped through them quickly there were six and he was silent for a moment. If she had written this up on a moments notice for a cover that was pretty damn good. Because she had the names of several servants and a couple children. It looked appropriate to teach and made sense, and he was suddenly thinking a couple of things.

"You can read and write at a rather advanced level." He commented, and her penmanship was honestly better than his. Very neat and precise. It wasn't common for women to be able to write up a learning plan or have enough knowledge to do so unless they were advanced in their language and writing skills.

"Yes." She answered and he saw that she swallowed. Her eyes appeared watery but she didn't make a sound or shed a tear. Though it seemed that her throat was sore, he had gripped her rather hard. She would probably have bruising there if not treated.

"And your father just threw you away." She met his gaze for a moment, honestly why would Michael waste the time to teach and train a daughter just to toss her away. Really didn't add up.

"I taught myself. My father taught me nothing. I know what it looks like and how it seems since clearly to most women are just simple fools that should do what their fathers or husbands say. Believe everything they are told. Clearly I did not do that, I am a failure as a woman and daughter to him. He sent me to you to teach my siblings a lesson. I'm sure my forwardness and tone are going to get me in trouble, but I fear I'm already there anyways." He stared at her for a moment and then reached and got a fistful of her hair and pulled her forward. He set the papers on the shelf. Then got a hand below her jaw as he pulled her head back by the hair and griped her chin making her look at him.

"Wild cards are dangerous things to play with. That is what you are." She wasn't quite meeting his gaze but looking past him.

"Look at me." His tone was very dark and held a growl to it. She did after a second, and he searched them. There was a strong will in this woman. She was smarter than he first thought. If she was as capable as she seemed then an asset too if she gave her loyalty he could see.

"You will go straight back to your room, and you will not leave it. Not for your duties tomorrow or tasks. I am going to talk with Jackie about this." He let go of her and she stepped back looking away from him, but there was fire in her. Her willingness to stand her ground, and clear haughty attitude she was trying to hide was rather attractive to be honest. She didn't shy away.

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