Books, Blood and Bravery

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The next couple of weeks moved really fast she had to say. She liked this teaching but at the same time it was completely exhausting. She didn't have a ton, but she spent three days with ten children and then two with the adults. Gave them all homework to study. So far they were all surpassing expectations and she was seeing that there was something to it.

She watched the ones that she was teaching and she noticed odd little behaviors. She was positive now that they could speak mind to mind. At least some if not all of them were capable and she wondered if that was just a genetic thing here. She also noticed odd ways that they held their bodies. Or sounds that they made that weren't quite normal but she didn't comment.

She had also gone to a few meetings that Ky had and she'd been sent to one that Navi had as well. Ky clearly found her knowledge of diplomats and their workings very valuable and asked her a great many questions about a few that he had not yet met but was dealing with from a far. She felt that if she could keep him informed on what she knew that was keeping her value up. However her teaching was clearly a plus as well.

One of the things that she was rather excited about was that she had been moved from the servant quarters to a different room. It was nice, not extravagant, but that was okay. Just had more to i. She was allowed normal wear. Which she kept serval dressed and such for if she was called on for a meeting. She wished that outside was a bit more conducive to running, but the snow was still rather high. They were moving into the middle of winter now, but things were kept pretty clear here for travel. For her exercise she just used her room doing things that she'd seen the soldiers being made to do, she figured that was a good start.

Currently it was rather quiet in the keep. There had been some attacks near by. From what she'd been told it was possible that they were living wraiths that had done it. She didn't envy that. Wraiths were very dangerous and she wouldn't want to meet one. Adele sat on her bed staring at the window and the grey light coming in that was dwindling fast. She was tapping a book in her lap and wanted another to read as she was done and didn't have any assignments tomorrow.

Thing was most were gone and she couldn't ask anyone to go get a book for her. She was still not allowed to wander alone. However there were a few leeways being given lately and she knew that several were out looking for the wraiths. She knew that they were worried about an attack on the town closest to them as the wraiths seemed to be moving in that general direction. She weighed her options and since she now knew were several servant passages were it would be fast. She could return this book and get another.

No one was here, and she wasn't going to fall asleep this time. Still couldn't believe that she had done that. Though in the end it still worked in her favor. She didn't leave yet though, she'd wait for a bit more darkness and she'd go without a light. She already knew the book or books she wanted. She also knew the way well, she was closer to the library here. Right now the children were being taught here at the keep. Another odd thing to her, they didn't have a school house? Seemed a bit different that a king would do something like that in his own keep.

Ky however was not a normal king she was starting to see. Oh he still had the attitude, the authoritative tone and overall demeanor she'd expect of someone in power. However the things he seemed to do or allow were just different. Not like a king that was self serving or centered. He did seem to care about his people and he was clearly different like most of them were. She just still hadn't found out how. But she would eventually.

Seeing that it was dark enough and feeling like even if she was caught, it wasn't going to be as dangerous as before. Though she really didn't want to get caught and have her freedoms reduced or something. But she really couldn't help herself and if this wraith issue got bad she wasn't going to be doing much but staying in her room. She figured that while she was down there she could take a quick look for anything else on the Semi or even on the wraiths because she wasn't familiar with them all that much or how they worked.

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