She made her way rather quickly through a servants area and then down the hall to the library. She heard no one anywhere and she told herself to try and be fast. The light in here only came from the windows, as she hadn't brought anything because that would give her away. She went quick down a couple of the aisles grabbed one book she knew that she wanted for sure and then she started scanning knowing that down here had the books she'd probably need. She found her way to the second aisle from the end under the balcony. It was dark and hard to read here. So she crouched down looking at the titles there and pulled out a couple seeing what she wanted.

She moved from that aisle and back toward where one of the windows was. She had three books with her and she set them on the window ledge to read a few things to make sure she grabbed what she thought. The first was mostly just for teaching. Then she flipped through the one it was labelled by a monk and said dead religions. She was really glad that Ky had not purged this library of books that might be thought of a dark or dangerous knowledge.

This one she found mention of the semi in and closed it really hoping there was more than just a mention. She figured that it was worth a shot. She then opened the last book and skimmed through the handwritten notes. This said it was confiscated from magic users, and she found the entry on wraiths. There wasn't a lot, mostly just a few lists of attributes. Possibly conjuring that she couldn't read as it was in some magic language. Then weapons to use against them that worked best. It looked like salt, or iron, especially if they were dead wraiths, living wraiths just took less dismemberment to kill.

"Sounds great." She commented dryly to herself and shut the book. She went to leave and stopped dead hearing whispering and the quick movement at the door. She cursed herself, there was no way. It also sounded like someone coming that shouldn't be. So she was hoping she'd just go past them and they wouldn't say anything if she didn't. First she had to gauge them though, just who it was.

She crouched down watching the door from the back of the aisle she was in. She'd moved away from the window so that she couldn't be seen easily and then used a bookshelf to hide her and looked through it. It allowed her to see but not really be seen. She watched two men come in. One looked like a soldier, the other hard to tell but he was holding a small blue orb that gave a low light to see. Magic, she could see that and she stayed absolutely still as something else came behind them. It floated above the floor by about four inches. Was lanky in nature and had a pointed face with sunken eyes.

The entire room felt cold and she could just see a bit of her breath, but still she didn't do anything just watched. That looked like a wraith, and it looked evil. It scared her but she remained calm and then making up her mind rather fast. Knowing damn well that these were not friendly people she figured she'd have to reach out. She listened to the two men who were being quiet but heading toward the back aisle where she'd been initially. They were looking for something and she had a feeling that the magic wielder was controlling the wraith at the moment.

Are you or any of the guards back to the keep? If so near the library? She thought this, but with a focus at Ky had told her to do. Perhaps she should have been a bit more formal but she was worried. She had no idea how to fight a wraith. She knew that if she ran for it she was dead. She was hoping that they were here in the castle. There was no one else she knew that she could call out to. She hadn't been told anyone else was telepathic.

Why? What is happening in the library and why are you in there if so this late? His response was immediate and felt like he spoke right in her ear. She swallowed slightly and watched the two that seemed to be searching the walls a bit and it was hard to see them at the moment.

There are two men here and a wraith is with them. I think the one is wielding magic to control it. Another looks like a soldier and I think I've seen him here before but do not know who he is. They seem like they are looking for a hidden compartment or room maybe? She didn't respond to the why she was in here so late. Clearly that was not the most important thing.

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