He was rude as fuck last night so it's big fuck him....... right now.

" fuck u keep declining my shit fa? " she read.

" fuck u then " she read.

" bruh I'm not playin witcho ass Briuna " she read, this time making her laugh.

" u been ignoring me all fuckin day for what? " she read.

" aight bet, done fuckin witcho ass on my mama "
She read again, this time clicking on the message so it can show she read it.

" bye bitch im finna go " Danny said strutting out the door only for Osama to catch the door.

Briuna eyes widen like she saw a damn ghost.

" so youn see me callin and texting yo ass " he said walking up to her fast making her push her legs so that the rolling hair could go back.

Osama stopped the chair and look Briuna in her eyes.

" yeen seen me callin or textin u all day? " he mugged.

Briuna just shook her head.

" fuck out my face Osama " Briuna said turning around.

" oh it's like that? " he chuckled.

She nodded.

" get the fuck out " she said looking out the window still.

" okay. " osama shrugged walking to the door.

He opened it all the way and slid in the bathroom.

Once the door closes by itself Briuna scrolled on her timeline for a while.

She got up and walked in the bathroom just to see Osama sitting down like he was waiting.

" u crazy. " she shook her head walking back out.

" so, youn tell me to get the fuck out " he shrugged jumping in the bed.

" why is u still herreeeee???? " she dragged.


" the fuck u hollin fa " Briuna mugged him.

" cause u bitching like shut the fuck up "

" what? " Briuna asked. He had ha fucked up..

" I said what I said " osama shrugged scrolling in his timeline.

Briuna grabbed his phone and threw that bitch to the wall.

" u lost yo fuckin mind?! I should beat the fuck out u " he said balking his fist up.

Briuna was on a emotional roller coaster right now so he just made her real angry.

" let's go then bitch " Briuna said squaring up wit him.

She ran up on him and started beating his ass.

" chill out bri " osama said not fighting back.

Briuna popped his ass in the mouth and he punched her arm.

" ooouuuuu " Briuna fell down in pain.

She started crying.

" man get yo pussy ass up " osama looked down at her.

" no.. leave me alone " she said.

" mangetup " he gritted grabbing her arm.

" bitch stop man handling me " she said punching his chest.

" hit me again imma kick yo ass for real. " he nudged her head.

" fuck u " she mumbled.

It got silent for a while until bri broke it.

" can u help me move in my apartment Tuesday? " she asked

" depends " he shrugged.

" oh my god never mind I'll find sb.. " she sat back.

" man hush.. time I need to be there ?? " he asked.

" 9 " she said smiling..

" am or pm " he asked.

" stop acting stupid damn.. " she rolled her eyes.

" aight that's yo ass.. u gone be moving boxes yo mf self. " he shrugged standing up and walking towards the door.

" AM Osama damn " she said following him.

" aight bet.. I'll see u then. " he opened the door stepping out.

" bye " she said closing the door only for him to push it back open.

" and don't do that shit nomo.. " he mugged her.

" do what? " she asked.

" ignore me all fuckin day.. " he looked down at her and she rolled her eyes.

" gimme a kiss " he said.

Briuna shook her head.

Osama smacked his lips and grabbed her neck deepening the kiss and she kissed back.

" bye girl " he said after her pulled away.

He definitely gettin the cooch. Briuna thought.

She definitely gettin the dick. Osama thought walking away.


Sorry y'all ik I been MIA😬


The dude who I put as Osama.. I lost his IG sooooo y'all gone keep seeing the same pictures until I find that shit.

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