Drunken Confessions

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This one shot is set post-Age of Ultron, pre-Civil War

Steve sighs as he wakes to the sound of his phone ringing, he looks at the caller ID, before bring the phone to his ear.
"Steve? Hey man, this is Jo from the bar down the street... listen your girlfriends here... And she looks like she's kind of had a rough night, I didn't want to let her leave alone." Jo says, and Steve remembers that this is the man who owns the bar down the street.
"My girlfriend?" Steve asks, still half asleep
"The pretty red head who always comes here with you, you two are practically joined at the hip?" Jo says chuckling slightly, Steve doesn't bother correcting him. "look just get here, I'll watch her for a bit."
The call ends as quickly as it came, Steve glances at his clock reading 3 am. Wasn't Natasha on a mission? She isn't supposed to be back for a few hours.
Steve throws on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt, under his leather jacket before walking the block down the street to Jo's.
He sees her sitting on a bar stool, black dress crumpled, she'd went to a gala undercover. Her heels are placed in the chair next to her. Her hair, falling in whisps around her face. Jo smiles when he sees him walk in, he waves him over.
"Hey, Nat." Steve asks sitting on the stool next to her.
"Hey" she replies taking another drink from her glass, vodka.
"I thought your mission wasn't over until tomorrow." He starts
"Well plans change, Rogers." She replies shortly
"I take it, it didn't go well." He says
"I... the mission itself went fine, we rescued all the hostages... I just..." Natasha trails, downing the last of her glass.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Steve replies "Why aren't you at the tower?"
"Why aren't you?" She asks, quirking an eyebrow back at him
"Jo called me and said my girlfriend was here alone, guess he isn't used to red headed Russians coming into his bar and drinking at least half a bottle of vodka at 3 am." Steve replies
"Your girlfriend, huh?" Natasha asks teasing
"Any idea where he got that?" Steve asks chuckling
"No idea, who is she?" Natasha replies
"How much have you had to drink?" Steve asks, he can tell she's visibly more relaxed than usual, her guard lower. He's not sure if that's because she's with him or the alcohol.
"Not too much." Natasha says, the dazed look on her face says otherwise
"Okay, we'll let's go home. You okay to walk home?" Steve asks, as she slightly sways in her seat
"Mhmm." She nods, Steve hand hovers over her back as she gets off the stool. He picks up her heels, because he knows she won't put them back on again.

The walk the streets of New York, it's true what they say the city never sleeps. There's just as many people out, surprising for an early morning of a weekday. He grabs Natasha hand as they walk down the street to his apartment. He feels Natasha's head rest again his upper arm and he's sure she has her eyes closed, he's basically pulling her with him at this point. He walks into his apartment building, taking the elevator instead of the stairs. Natasha opens her eyes as he shuts the front door.
"We're not at the tower." She says as she slowly opens her eyes
"Nope, my place." Steve confirms. "You can have my bed." He adds
"absolutely not." Natasha says, even when she's extremely tipsy she's as stubborn as ever. He sighs, leading her to his room.
"Here." He says pulling a shirt out of his drawer to give her to change into
"Thanks." She mumbles, she fiddles with the zip of her dress until she gives up with an annoyed huff. She looks at him a pout on her lips.
"Come'ere." He says, his hands shake lightly as he unzips the back of her dress. His hands have unzipped her suits, cleaned and stitched her battle wounds but something about this seems different. He grabs the shirt he offered her and slips it over her head before she slides off the dress. His t-shirt is practically the same length, coming to rest in her upper thigh. The silently slip into bed and Steve reaches to turn off the lamp. Bodies rested right next together despite the amount of space that could be between them. Natasha's head rests on his chest, her arm thrown lazily a crossed his stomach. He would almost think she's asleep except for the repetitive motion of her thumb grazing over his rib cage.
He's about to break the silence when she beats him to it.
"I think I'm falling in love with you." She says, a comment so out of character for the Black Widow but not for Natasha.
"I know I'm in love with you" Steve replies
"Yeah?" She asks, her chin moving to rest so she can look him in the eyes
"I'm positive." He replies, he's suddenly aware of how close they've been teetering on the line of relationship vs friendship. "Can kiss you?"
Natasha shakes her head, letting out a laugh as she mumbles "You better." before crashing their lips together.
"Was that your second kiss since 1945?" She teases, after they've both finally caught their breath.
"Why, better than the last time, Romanoff?" And he's teasing her right back
Natasha hums "You could still use some more practice..."
"Well I don't mind practice if it's with you." Steve replies, pulling her closer.
"You're such a sap." Natasha teases
"But you love me." He replies, a boyish grin on his face
"I do love you." Natasha says worrying her lip in between her teeth for a moment as the words fly out of her mouth.
"Hey, I love you too." He smiles, reaching up to run his thumb across her bottom lip.
"Goodnight, Steve."
"Night, Nat."

Hi, everyone! just a cute little one-shot for you guys for this update, if you have any requests or suggestions please leave them below! I'm having such a hard time finding inspiration, thanks -musicgirl145

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