In the darkness, there's you

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He should be listening really, to the arguments and bold opinions sounding their way through the room. They messed up big time and he knows that. Still his thoughts are elsewhere on the little bubble that has popped up on his phone "She's gone, in her sleep." He's angry about Ross and this whole accord debacle but it doesn't compare to the sadness he feels deep inside his chest, Peggy's gone. His last steady connection to his old life, gone. He doesn't excuse himself rather just leaves, quickly because he needs to get out of there before he lets out his emotions. He doesn't make it to his floor settling for an open stairway instead, before collapsing on a step. And he cries, for Peggy, for his best friend who he still can't find, for Wanda who lost control of her powers because he couldn't snap out of it, for putting them in this mess. He doesn't know how long he sits there, he hears footsteps. He can almost guarantee he knows who they belong to, they're louder now he notices, announcing her presence.
"Steve... I'm sorry. You understand why I have to sign it, right?" Natasha says sitting down on the step next to him.
"I know" he replies, with far too much strain in his voice. He's shaking from the tears, sobs still racking his body.
"Hey..." she mumbles reaching out for his arm. He responds quickly, wrapping both of his arms around her.
"She's gone, Nat." He says while his tears drip down her shoulder.
"I'm so sorry, Steve." Natasha replies and when he makes no move to let her go, she stays there with him, bodies pressed closely together. The light soon fades from the skylights and it seems none of the team is worried about the whereabouts of their leaders. Natasha notices he's no longer crying, her shirt's dry from how long they've remained there.
"I can go with you." Natasha says running a hand on his back in a soothing motion.
"You don't have to." Steve replies, she feels him twirling the ends of her hair around his fingers.
"I know, I just don't want you to be alone... you wanna move somewhere more comfortable?" She asks him, she's nearly in his lap only partially sitting on the concrete steps. She can only imagine how uncomfortable he is. He doesn't make any notion to move, so she untangles herself from his arms before giving him her hand. She leads him to their floor, before guiding him into his room.
"You're gonna be okay, Steve. I know it." She says, placing a kiss to his cheek. "I'll be in my room if you need me."
"Don't go." Steve says making no move to release her hand
"Please, stay." Natasha nods. He goes to his drawers pulling out a t-shirt, which she takes and heads to the bathroom to change. When she returns he's already dressed in a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, making room for her next to him on the bed. It doesn't take long for him to pull her back into his arms, finding the physical touch his only source of comfort. Her head's against his chest, she hears his breathing even out but she knows he's not asleep.
"You should try to get some sleep." Natasha says lifting her head upward to glance at him. He ignores her comment. Both of them know sleep won't come easy to him tonight.
"I'm really glad you're here." Steve says tightening his hold on her waist, she smiles lightly into his chest and at the moment he no longer feels like his world is falling apart. It can wait until tomorrow. The last thing Steve sees before he drifts off to sleep is the light creeping in through the window, dancing, creating a halo of light off the hair of red head sleeping next to him.
Despite all the darkness, he sees light. She's his light.

Hi everyone! another chapter, this one's short and sweet. I hope you guys enjoyed it, romanogers comforting each other is one of my favorite things in fanfics. Thanks for all the reads and favorites so far! -musicgirl145

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