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He doesn't think he'll ever get used to it, waking up in the morning and seeing her there next to him because she shouldn't be. It was supposed to be permanent, but against all odds he somehow brought her back. Brought her home. He looks at the clock on his night stand, next to his dog tags, his wedding ring. He slowly gets out bed careful not to wake her.
"Hey soldier, come back to bed." She says sleepily wiping her eyes, hand reached towards him
"You want coffee first?" He asks from the doorway. She looks at him raising an eyebrow before he goes back to his side of the bed, instantly wrapping an arm around her waist. He takes in the sight before him, her hair's all red now, no remanence of blonde at the ends, and it's closer to the length of when he first met her. It feels like a few days and a forever all rolled into one. He can't help but think she fits in here, in this time, this life, perfectly. He watches the light from the window dance across the ring on her left hand.
"You ever think about it?" She asks intertwining their fingers together across her waist. He's pulled from his thoughts. "Going back?" He asks. She nods in response.
"No, not at all." He says leaning down to kiss her gently across the lips, before she pulls him down to meet his lips again stronger this time. He blushes and she smirks in response.
"You know we really missed out on doing that along time ago. We could've been doing that for years." She says placing a kiss to his cheek.
"If I recall you're the one who was questioning my kissing abilities in D.C." he adds poking her in the rib, which causes her to laugh. It's the most beautiful sound he's ever heard.
"It wasn't bad..." she starts, before he gives her a pointed look. "Okay, you've definitely improved. I said you needed practice, I wasn't wrong." She smirks
"You know what Romanoff?" He says smiling, she kisses him again in response.
"Was that your first kiss in 1975?" She asks smiling that genuine smile he loves, the one only for a select few people.
"and you were my first kiss since 1945." Steve replies
"I knew it." She laughs and he does too.
"So I've been thinking..." He starts, she looks at him. Green eyes meeting blue.
"Thats dangerous..." she smirks and she realizes he's serious about the conversation they're about to have.
"While I love living in this tiny, cramped apartment with you. I was thinking there's somewhere else we could go." On cue, he grabs a sales book from the night stand and opens it to the tagged page. He watches her eyes dance over the page, over her home, and he notices the glossiness pooling in them. "I thought at least if we went there you could still have a part of them." She grabs his hand giving it a squeeze before wrapping her arms around his neck.
"Thank you." She mumbles into his shoulder, placing a kiss to the side of his neck.
"You know I'd do anything for you." He says holding her in his arms a little longer.

In a month they're there signing the papers to a little farm house in Ohio. He watches her enter the house, running her hands up the banister of the steps, walking up them avoiding the 3rd from the bottom because it used to creek or will creek. It's new, no sign of the family that would live here in the future. She makes her way up the steps and smiles when she sees her old room, a blank canvas but it's layout is the same. Clint had remodeled most of the house but this room looks just like hers back in the future.
"So many nights spent in this room..." she says running her fingers along the wallpaper, it's floral and he takes note that it's almost identical to what was in her old room. "You know I never thought about how much I would miss it. It seemed so easy taking the jump, when I knew what Clint had to come home to. I never thought I would get anything that resembled that, but I have it now. I'm home, here with you."
"I love you so, so much." He says crossing the room so he can properly hug her.
"I love you too, more than anything. Thank you for all of this." She says her head pressed against his chest.
"Now come on, Romanoff. I think we need to buy some furniture, this place is a little empty." He says wrapping his arm around her shoulders and leading her out of the room.
" I think you're forgetting something." She smirks "it's Rogers now."
"Yeah, yeah how could I forget." Steve smirks back as she elbows him in the ribs and they head out of the front door of their new home. Years from now he'd meet a man, a younger version of the archer he once new, a younger version of her best friend, and he'll sale the house to him. But for now it's his home, she's his home.

Hi everyone,  I hope you enjoyed this one shot. I just can never agree with the idea of Steve staying in the past to be with Peggy. So instead I've decided that it's canon that they have their dance and he lives out his life with Nat, after he got he back for the stone of course. (It's my only way of coping okay?) I read a fic once about Romanogers  selling the Farm house to Clint in the future, so I kind of drew inspiration from that for this one-shot. Anyways I hope you guys enjoyed it, feel free to leave any comments or requests! Thanks❤️ -musicgirl145

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