Timeline tornado

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I opened my eyes, only to find a devastating reality before me. The time bubbles that had formerly held a happy and beautiful timeline now held pain and misery. "What the heck Kim", I muttered zooming back in the timeline. I watched him give away the rabbit miraculous, my face full of disgust. The blue and white hue the place I was imprisoned in was comforting but I didn't know what I was going to do. The world was in utter chaos with that lynx holder having the rabbit miraculous., and I couldn't leave Kim's burrow since he took off the miraculous. "I'm stuck here, I can't do anything", I said aloud, panic evident on my face. I watched as a knife was plunged into Cat noir's stomach, tears pricking at my eyes. Ladybug ran to him taking the knife out and trying to stop his bleeding. Her sobs rang through my ears making me feel more guilty than I already was. I watched in terror when I, yes I, plunged the knife into Ladybug, her body fell, limp onto Cat noir. Sobs racked through my body, my fists pounding on the timeline bubble. Tears fell to the floor my nose running, let's be real, there are no such things as pretty criers. I could only watch in horror when I saw Paris's heroes, my best friends, my family, my boyfriend, fall at the hands of future foes. I could have stopped the lynx probably long before if I'd talked to Kim. But I stayed alone, not talking to him about what was happening, and now because of me, Paris is doomed. Timeline bubbles started going completely black making the room darken quite a bit. Almost half of the time bubbles had fritzed out, I had to find a way out of here, I had to save everyone. I got up of the floor, an idea forming. I turned time back over 5000 years ago to watch a Mage create the miraculous, and hopefully, find some information on how to save the world.
I landed shocked at my surroundings, this was Paris? Aeon landed beside me and a strange bird flew overhead slowly dropping down and transitioning into girl form. The girl immediately upped her defenses after seeing us, she turned into a bear raising her paws up to us, ready for a battle if needed. "Who are you?", she asked, her voice threatening. Me and Aeon raised our hands, positioning ourselves in a defensive stance against our challenger. "The real question is who are you?", I said, watching the red and yellow suited girl, who looked around my age. "I am Fei, holder of the prodigious and friend of Ladybug and Cat noir, your turn birdy", she said glare very evident. My eyes widened, hands lowering into a relaxed position. " I believe we're on the same team", I said sorely walking towards this Fei character. "I'm Eagle, a friend of LB and CN", I said reading my hand towards her. She met my hand with a friendly shake when the ground under us shook causing the three of us to fly up, trying to get our bearings. We spotted the once beautiful Eiffel Tower, now on fire, and slowly leaking to the right side, on the verge of collapsing. I frowned at the sight but what made me more suspicious is I felt like I was being watched. Fei must have gotten the same drift because when I kicked to my right, she kicked to her left. Knocking that monkey miraculous holder and the snake holder I'd heard about out of the sky. Both landed with a loud thump and huff from both of them, me and Fei high fived while Aeon scanned them. "This is Le Chién Kim and Luka Coffaine, allies of Ladybug", Aeon confirmed. I helped Luka up while Aeon struggle to help Kim, who didn't seem to really want help. I caught sight of a strange box with rainbow dots all over it and I picked it up, tapping the top, I mean come on it looked really suspicious! Kwami's flew out, greeting me and Kim snatched the box from me. "Don't touch that", he said, calling all the kwami's back into the box. I rolled my eyes, annoyed with this guys attitude already. I jumped up onto a roof with ease trying to catch sight of the cat and bug, it wasn't hard, specifically because the bad guy was trying to hang whatever alive part of them was left on the Eiffel Tower. You know the one that's about to collapse? Yeah, that one. "Aeon! Gonna need a lift, we've got sock people to save!", I said, getting picked up by my best friend in the process.
I felt the blade leave my skin, who had pulled it out? Blood left a nasty metally taste in my mouth making me want to gag. My blurred vision tried to see what the future rabbit miraculous holder was doing. It saddened me she was akumatized but it saddened me even more that KIM, my friend Kim, that I trusted, would help her while he knew that is not what she would actually want. My heart broke at how Alix would be crushed when she found out. Putting her up for more major akuma vulnerability, and with how powerful she was this time around, how powerful would she be in round two? I thought, trying not to struggle too much so I wouldn't hurt my partner. Then I heard three familiar voices. "Don't worry guys we'll get you out of here!", Jess said, starting to untie the ropes. "Be careful Jess you don't want to hurt them more than they already are!", Aeon warned, clearly scanning me at the moment. I heard clanging and fighting in the background and I recognized the voice of Fei. I tried to smile, happy that I always had some allies, no matter how many continents they tried to kidnap my friends from.
Hello everybody!! So I finally got this chapter out haha, I hope you all enjoy, sorry to y'all that haven't watched miraculous world shanghi, I just felt like Fei's character was essential on making this story work, besides, our main favorites are trapped or sour right now so......we need some sides to step up people!!! Enjoy, comment anything 🙃

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