From kwami's to humans

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It was dark outside but the lamplight illuminated about half the room. I was reading through one of my moms books while Kwami was mixing together ingredients. It was hard to stay focused, what did he mean be "why did you lie"?  I was bursting at the brim with questions, Tikki sat on my shoulder trying to explain to me what I had to do to change the kwami's that had been turned into...well...kwami's, back into humans. But I wasn't really listening, my mind was focused on the boy. Then he suddenly broke the silence. "I know you want to ask me something", he said. He turned to me, a oddly constructed spoon in hand. He pointed the spoon at my shocked figure, speaking once more. "Spill". I opened my mouth trying to figure out how to say what I wanted to say. "What did you mean when you told my mom she'd lied? Did she owe you something?", I asked, my right eyebrow raising in question. My whole life I thought of my mother as a brave honest woman. But here I was finding out that she was really from 5000 years in the past and only had me because she needed someone to brainwash and continue to hurt the kwami's. Everything was going up in smoke. I didn't know if my friends were ok, I was stuck in ancient China or maybe it was Eygpt? I don't know!! But if you wanted to add a cherry to the top of that ice cream disaster it would be pretty simple. Especially since my mom happens to be the beginner of all super villains to the miraculous. Since yanno, she fooled them into practically being her slaves. Kwami turned away focusing back on the potion. "Your mother was... an interesting figure", he said. Emphasizing by waving the spoon around like a baton conducting an orchestra. I listened waiting to hopefully hear what the whole story was. "She just promised me something with the miraculous jewels that I probably should have refused in the first place", he continued. His face was downcast almost like he was mad at himself for going through with whatever he did. "Deep down I knew she was just using me, otherwise she wouldn't care if I lived or died", he frowned. "Using you for what?", I asked, peaked with curiosity. He sighed and turned to me. "Without me she couldn't have completed the miraculous, she needed another pair of... hands per say", he finished. "What does that mean?", I questioned further, intrigued at what he was saying. "I'm tied to the miraculous, when we turn them all back...", he paused, tears threatening to fall. "I won't make it, the destruction of the miraculous will destroy me", he said, almost emotionless. Alix hadn't realized the entire severity of the situation. She knew Kwami had been working for her mother, she just didn't realize what her mother had done. The overwhelming smell of musty books and possibly poisonous ingredients overwhelmed her senses making it nearly impossible to think clearly. My head clouded, to many problems flying through it. I wanted to free the kwami's, but at the cost of his life? That's something I didn't want to do, something I hoped we wouldn't have to do. It was then he asked for Tikki's earrings and Plagg's ring. I hesitantly handed him the two miraculous. He poured something over them that was gold in color. The jewels started glowing then shaking, then I was blinded by a burst of light. The impact of the small explosion made me and Kwami fly back into the dirt wall. I looked up and saw an unbelievable sight in front of me. A woman with red hair and egyptian style clothing with black accents was reaching her hand down to me. I noticed a male with black hair and medium colored skin sporting similar themed clothing not to mention the cat ears and tail reaching his hand out to Kwami. Tikki pulled me into a hug and Plagg and Kwami shook hands. I felt Tikki's tears drip onto my shoulder as she held me close. I was a little saddened at how this would change the timeline, but now instead of having miraculous holders to keep us safe the miraculous themselves will have to keep us safe. "Thank you", was all Tikki said the whole time we were in an embrace. I felt Plagg wrap his arms around us and I finally pulled Kwami in. Then we all stood there in silence, just soaking in the moment.


"Fei! We can't do that!", Jess yelled. The two had been arguing all day and I'd tried to get the two settled down but nothing seemed to work. It sure wasn't helping Cat noir and Ladybug's situation at all whatsoever. "You guys stop fighting!", I said from the other room. Marinette looked up at me clearly in pain. I wished I could do more to help but I didn't have the resources to help, it was hard enough finding non contaminated water. It was literally impossible to find any sort of medicine. It was hard to even really know what to do or where to go. We didn't know what was going on, heck we didn't even live here! I watched over the Parisian heroes taking notice in every detail and entering it into my data base. Marinette's cuts were definitely infected and there was now puss underneath her scabs like that gross acne you didn't pop all the way. Her eyes were getting cloudy which definitely wasn't good. Her bruises were starting to fade though. She hadn't said anything in awhile and that was worrying me. Adrien was laying on a cot next to Marinette. His breathing wasn't right, it was uneven and rigid. Reminding me of a wheezing cat. His cuts weren't fairing any better condition but at least his bruises were fading as well. Then I noticed Marinette take in a really deep breath. The sound slightly alarming. Then her body tensed and she slowly inched her hand across the cot towards her partner. "Marinette you shouldn't move", I said, my voice painfully alarming. Her hand continued to move and she intertwined her fingers with Adrien's. "Chaton", she whispered, turning her head so she can see him. He painfully turned his head towards his partner listening to her next words. "I love you", she squeezed his hand and smiled lightly trying to move her body closer to his. I did her a favor and picked her up, laying her on the other cot with Adrien. The two snuggled closer and I smiled. "I love you too bugaboo", he said. Then something truly miraculous happened. Their miraculous and the kwami's who had originally been positioned on a table watching their holders a few feet away. Then the glowing light washed over both of them healing everything that ailed them. It was definitely something amazing to see. Although of course i couldn't see the kwami's so I didn't know they had glowed till Jess told me about it later. Then the kwami's and the miraculous disappeared not to be seen ever again. But then something even weirder appeared in front of me. The glowing forms of two human beings. One with red hair the other with black and sporting cat ears.

This one took me so long people


I am so tired 🥱

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