Lost girls and a cat

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"You've reached Ladybug! Don't you dare leave me a voicemail full of puns Cat noir!", the answering machine said. I paced on top of the Louvre waiting for my bugaboo, we were supposed to go on patrol with Kim and Alix, but Kim seemed to be having the same problem as me. His ringtone played on my baton echoing through the crisp morning air. I know Ladybug was down about Alya missing and I was missing Nino a lot but that only motivated me to work harder. Every moment counted in finding our friends. "Hey Kim, did you get ahold of Bunnix?", I asked holding the phone to my ear. I stood tall with my hand on my hip, my eyes caught sight of a few civilians waving to me. I raised my claw off my hip waving back. "No I'm starting to get worried, I haven't heard from her since yesterday!", Kim said, he was clearly jumping as he spoke since you could literally hear the wind and it was completely still. "Do you think the kidnappers got them?", I asked leaping towards Marinette's. I heard Kim sigh then continue "I mean it's always possible but it seems unlike him to kidnap two at a time. I agreed arriving in Marinette's room. Only to be met by a big letter A with an X over top spray painted on her wall. I spotted Marinette's earrings on the floor, the miraculous box peeking out from Marinette's new box she'd made to hide it. I grabbed the box and the earrings, running as fast as I could to Alix's house. I pulled my phone up, hitting the speed dial for Kim. "Find something?", he asked immediately after picking up. "Yeah, they got her, so where's Alix?, I asked, tears forming in my eyes. "I don't know Adrien, but we'll find her, I promise", I smiled over the phone sprinting even faster now, Alix's house in sight. "I promise we'll find Alix to Kim", I said hanging up the phone. Bursting through the open window into Alix's room. "I thought you'd be here Cat, nice to finally make your acquaintance", a mysterious voice said. I looked around till I finally spotted a glint from a knife which seconds later was heading straight for me.
My hands where tied, blood dripping from my lip where I'd been punched and knocked out. I saw Alya and Nino along with the rest of my friends at last I thought it was, it was hard to see through my blurred vision. "Alya?", I asked, my eyes squinting trying to focus on my best friend. "Marinette! You need to be quiet! If he comes back and we're talking he'll get mad", Alya finished, leaning towards Nino. I smiled at the two but continued on. "No need to worrryyyyyy!! I'm ladyyybug! Me aaaand Cat noooiiirrrrr willlll save you!", I said. I heard my classmates gasp but before I could say anything else I was blacking out again.
"Do you think she was telling the truth?", Alya asked, scanning the group. Most of them shrugged but Nino was the only one to speak. "She probably just has a concussion, but I'm sure you will be following her for weeks after this trying to find out if she was telling the truth anyway", he spoke, chuckling at the end. The whole class nodded, agreeing when a akumatized villain walked through a portal. Kind of like Bunnix's wormholes, Alya thought. She was holding Cat noir prisoner using what seemed to be force itself. There wasn't anything there, kind of like how the Mime did it but it was different somehow. I watched Nino look around clearly trying to find a way out. I studied him till I glanced down, noticing his miraculous. I nudged Nino my chair scooting in front of him, trying to keep him hidden. I heard him utter the transformation words and moments later Carapace jumped in quipping and fighting away. After he released Cat noir, Cat cut us free trying to get us all out. But I felt it. Almost like time was lost. Like it broke. My brain felt like I was speeding through time. I noticed the akuma falling to the ground, clutching her head in pain. I put my hands on my own head, feeling like it was turning to jelly. I turned to the two heroes who's miraculous almost appeared to be glitching. I could almost hear the kwami's screaming in pain. But then Cat noir's mask glitched. Adrien?
"So Cat noir, thought you could stop me? It was a valiant effort, but a failure", I said painting a letter with an X on top. I nodded satisfied with my work. Leaping into the shadows.
"Are you sure this is how it has to be?", I asked, watching my friends get tied up again by the lynx holder. The akuma had disappeared long ago and they had Adrien, not to mention the Cat and Turtle miraculous. The box had gotten left at my house and Kim was entering it right now, seeing the knife in the wall not to mention the miraculous box on the floor. "I have to go back! I need to help him! He's all alone! What do you need me for?" I asked future Kim. I reached in my pocket for my own watch only to be stopped by his hand. "I wouldn't do that if I were you", he said, a menacing grin spreading across his face. "You won't try anything funny if you want me to save your friends", he said, getting way too close to my face. "How do I know you'll save them?", I asked staring him down. Then he laughed, but it wasn't the Kim I knew, it wasn't his laugh. "You don't have a choice Tink", he said turning away, my watch in hand.

So guys, intense and confusing chapter haha, way too many POV's I feel, sry....
but anyways enjoy!! I love reading your comments so please, comment all you want!! Love y'all 🥰

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