Cloud 9

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You wake up to your ear splitting phone going off, you attempt to turn away but remember the large pair of arms that were holding you in place. He looks so peaceful, You can even fathom waking him so you slip out of his grasp to answer your phone

"Y/N! Hey!" Comes a beaming voice through the phone.

"Hey Garcia" You say now fully awake

"I hate to interrupt your day off but we have a case ASAP!" She says

How is she so happy about cases, you think to yourself before responding. "I'll be in soon"

"Okay, see you soon!" she yells before hanging up
You sigh and walk over to Spencer's side to wake him up, you hesitate to wake him up because of everything that he has gone through in the last 24 hours.

"Spencer, Spencer baby, wake up"
As you shake his shoulder he tosses over and looks you in the eyes,

"Hey, good morning Love" He says in his morning voice that never fails to turn you to putty in an instant

"We have a case, you gotta get up."

"Ugh...5 more minutes please" He says groaning

"Okay 5 minutes" You chuckle at him holding his arms out and crawl back into his arms
You sit twirling Spencer's hair in your fingers and drawing random digits on his stomach and chest. You stop when a voice draws you out of your trance

"I love you too, honey" He says pulls you farther into him

"Hmm" you said looking up at him

"You wrote 'I love you' into my chest" He says looking down at you

"Oh...I guess I did" You said chuckling

"We need to go get ready, we can not manage to be late" Spencer says stumbling out of the bed. He trips over a book laying on his floor letting out a loud Yelp and he crashes to the floor . Once you stop laughing hysterically, you wipe your tears and help him up.

"A-Are you okay" You say beginning to wheeze again

"You have five seconds to run" He says in a monotone voice


"5" He starts counting. You take this opportunity to start running towards the kitchen. You hide behind the counter. You stand when you hear him stop counting

"4......GOTCHCA" He yells as her wraps you in his arms and twirls you around the kitchen.

"HEY, NO FAIR YOU SAID YOU WOULD COUNT TO FIVE!" You say as he sets you down

"No, I was going to, you just made it too easy." He says giving you his signature kooky grin.

"Alright, lets actually go get ready before Hotch kills us." You say walking away smiling ear to ear


You and Spencer both end up at the BAU less that 25 minutes later, not bad if you do say so yourself. You both rush to the conference room to see everyone already getting settled in their seats.

"Sorry we're late, we carpooled and there was heavy traffic." Hotch just gives you the usually solemn nod

"Alrighty my love birds, We have a murder in the lovely state of Los Angeles. We have murders of home owners in multiple high scale neighborhoods. Along with that the houses were completely vandalized. Like destroyed" She says as she flashes pictures across the screen

"Alright so most likely we are looking at a team, most likely teens or young adults. They'd have to be young to do this type of damage."Morgan said as he looked through his file.

"Well whoever they are, they are escalating and will not stop, so wheels up in 30" Hotch says standing up from his seat

You go to your desk to get your go bag. You rub your temples and let out a sigh when you feel someone's presence behind you.

"Yes Spence?" You say stifling a giggle

"Are you okay?" Hey says rocking back and forth on his feet

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" You say turning to face him

"I don't know I just wanted to see if you wanted to sit with me on the plane, if you don't want to I understand but-" He says going on a tangent

"Yes, I'll sit with you on the plane Spencer, you didn't even have to ask, I was planning to sit next to you anyways." A smile broke out on Spencer's face as you said those words

You and Spencer both sat on the plane next to eachother. Spencer decided to take out a book while you were thinking about nothing in general.

"What are you reading Spence?" He looks at you with pure surprise before responding.

"Oh, uhm I'm just reading Dante's inferno" He says rubbing the back of his neck

"Well can you read it to me?" You say settling your head on his shoulder

"Y-you want me to read to you?" He says looking down at you

"Yeah, I mean only if you want to" You can practically feel the smile in his voice

"Alright, Uhm,
Midway upon the journey of our life I found myself within a forest dark, for the straightforward pathway had been lost." He says as he begins reading to you. You continue listening to Spencer's voice reading, his voice gave you a full sense of calm. You feel yourself drift into a light sleep. You feel movement underneath you as the plane descends and lands.

"Wake up Y/n, we are in los angles." Spencer says as he lightly taps you on shoulder. You thank him for waking you and you walk to the SUV's climbing into the one Spencer gets into. The ride is quiet for the most part the only sound that could be heard was the soft hum of the radio.
You quickly arrive to the police station, walking in and immediately spotting a familiar face.

"CALV!!!" You yell as you run into his arms, he picks you up and twirls you in his arms.

"JUNO!" He says matching your enthusiasm

"I missed you so much! Look at you in the fbi!" You laugh along with him.

"No, look at you being a head detective"

"Eh, I try" He says as his narcissism comes back

"But you definitely did not change one bit" You say as you start to walk away

"Hey Juno, what is that supposed to mean?!" He says shouting after you.

You meet back up with Spencer and the team in the conference room.

"Juno?" Spencer says quietly

"Oh, It was the nickname Calvin gave me in high school, Juno was my favorite movie, and he thought I was a lot like her, other than the whole teen pregnancy thing." You say laughing softly

"Oh" he says his voice sounding almost disappointed

"What's wrong Spencer?" You ask him,looking into his eyes

A/N: HEY HEY!!!! It's been a lil bit since I've updated and I'm sooty about that, but I'm gonna be better about that! Anyways that's for reading!

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