Sweater Weather

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You and Spencer have been on great terms ever since the bar. Both of you decided to be completely honest with each other and tell each other how the other was feeling, No more lies. You had gone back to work after two more weeks of leave. You had finally dealt fully with your trauma and it helped that you had Spencer there to talk to when the nightmares and thoughts got bad. Spencer never really opened up but you never forced him to, he would do it if he was really ready. You and Spencer spent a lot of time at each other's apartment's. Spencer even cleared out part of his closet to make room for your clothes. You woke up turning to Spencer out of instinct to find that he wasn't there. You climbed out of bed and followed the smell of coffee.

"Hey doll, you didn't have to get out of bed, I would have brought it to you." Spencer says sweetly as he holds out a cup of coffee.

"Aww thanks, pumpkin" You say as you engulf him in a hug around the waist. You both sit in comfortable silence hugging in the kitchen until Spencer pulls away.

"Hotch called, we have a case. We have to leave in 20 babe." He yells as he walks to the bathroom. You walk to the closet and look through your options. You decide on a lavender pansuit and a plain white tanktop. Just as you finish combing out your hair you feel arms wrap around your waist.

"Have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" Spencer says as he scatters kisses all over the side of your face.

Yes, you do, all the time. Now come on Loverboy we have to get going." You says as you release from his grasp.

You and Spencer both slip on your signature black converses and head out the door to the car. You both sit in comfortable silence, simply enjoying each others presences. You arrive at the local mall to see it completely surrounded by news stations and police cars. You and Spencer walk up to the police line flashing your FBI badges. You meet Hotch in the food court to be briefed on the case.

"Okay, We have 9 year old Katie Jacobs, She was abducted roughly 2 hours ago. This case my have a connection to the Jenna Davis kidnapping less than a week ago. The police have barricaded all entrances and exits and put the whole building lockdown." Hotch says to the whole team.

"Reid and Y/L/N you go interview the parents, aunt and uncle. Morgan and JJ you do the younger boy. Prentiss, Rossi and I will go talk up a plan of action with the local police force"

You and Spencer walk to the food court where the parents were sitting consoling each other. The mother looked disheveled, so she wouldn't be of much help to the progression of the case.

"Hi, I'm Agent Y/N Y/L/N and this is Dr. Spencer Reid and we are with the FBI and are working our very hardest to find your daughter. " You say in your most consoling voice as you shake both there hands. "We need to ask you some questions if you are up for it Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs," You say as you take a seat across from them

"So Mrs. Jacobs where were you when Katie went missing? " Spencer says quizzically

" I was with Thomas shopping for a gift for Susan for their anniversary." Mrs. Jacobs says choking through sobs.

"Okay do you think anyone in your family is capable of this, Like any past relationships that Katie had with others?" Spencer says with comforting eyes

"No, although Katie is close to her cousin , Evan, but he's not capable of this at all." She speaks as Spencer and I look at each other.

We both walk back to the food court to fill Hotch in with everything that you learned from the parents.

"Okay go search the Jacobs home and search for any red flags of what's going on" Hotch says sternly.

You and Spencer walk hand in hand to the car. Thoughts drown your head about your childhood. Although you didn't have a bad childhood, it was not good, You parents spent time screaming at you for not meeting their standards as they got higher and higher. Your past is something that you would never bring up. You let yourself go so much and did things you weren't proud of.

"Hello, Y/n are you okay, pumkin?" Spencer says as he rubs tears that you didn' t even know had fallen.

You snap back into reality "Yeah, I'm fine, babe, lets go." You say taking his hand and hopping out of the car.

You walk around the house. It was mostly just a peaceful suburban home, all until you get to katie's room.

"Katie's been wetting the bed" Spencer says as he flips back the sheets

"Spence, look at this" You say holding up a vandalized doll. "Is this how Katie sees herself?!" You say as blood boils under your skin. These parents didn't care for their kid, they didn't protect her from god knows who. Without even realizing it, tears slipped out of your cheeks.

"Hey, Hey. Look at me, It's okay" He said as he held you in his sweet embrace. After minutes big him cradling you, you both walked back to the car. Shortly you arrived at the mall.

"Hotch we need to question the aunt and uncle." You said as you walked up to Hotch

"Okay I'll get you an interrogation room."


"Look we know what you have been doing to Katie, You molested her and bought her a necklace to keep her quiet, isn't that what you did?" You asked getting more frustrated

"NO. NO THAT IS NOT TRUE" He said defensively as he stands up. You were done with this disgusting excuse for a person.


"AGENT Y/L/N, ENOUGH" Hotch screams

"Yeah that's right you put this bitch in her place! You are lucky that I didn't do it for her" The uncle says with a nasty smirk on his face

"What the fuck did you just say to me?!?" You say as you run up to him with fists clenched

"Woah, woah..Hey baby calm down" Spencer says as he grabs you jolting you off the floor.

"LET ME GO!" You yell kicking and screaming as Spencer carries you out of the room

You had found Katie, turns out the aunt was trying to kill Katie so she could gain her husbands attention. This case was brutal on you..but you don't know why. You were lucky enough to never have a childhood of that sort.
You think to yourself for the whole car ride back to your apartment.

"Hey, are you okay? You have been on edge all day."Spencer says glancing at you but keeping his eyes on the road.

"Yeah I'm fine, today was just hard Spence" You say giving him a half smile

"Well, I was meaning to ask you but would you want to go out with me tonight?" Spencer asks as blood rushes to his face.

"OF COURSE I WOULD DARLING!" You say, you have never actually been asked out so it would be an exciting first, and especially for it to be with Spencer Reid.

A/N: Hey Lovelies!!! It's been awhile. I'm so so so sorry for not updating. Life just kinda happened. I met some amazing new people, and school kinda maybe kicked my ass, but I'm back. I swear I will update way more to make up for it!!
MUAH! -Zoie

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