Are you with me?

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"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME AND HIM?" You say as you stand up , sadness no longer there but anger in its place.

"Oh darling, I never wanted anything from you. You were just the easiest way to hurt him." He says walking towards Spencer.

You jump in front of him and tackle the unsub as you disarm him. You now have a gun pointed at him.

"Garcia, track Spencer he hasn't requested backup yet, I think something is wrong." Hotch says getting slightly worried now.

"Okay Sir he is at 5143 meadow oaks lane. It is about 25 minutes away and is a storage unit." Garcia says as she finds the address in seconds

" Okay suit up we are going in." Hotch says already walking away

You still have the gun pointed at the Unsub while periodically checking on Spencer. He was getting worse but there was nothing that you could do. You stand back up to face the unsub when you hear the door burst open, you thought the unsub had called back up until you see Aaron walk through the door.

" Drop the weapon" He yells as Derek and JJ detain the unsub
You do as he says and run over to Spencer.

"HOTCH WHERE ARE THE MEDICS????" You say as you hold in sobs.

You yell looking at Hotch

The Medic come rushing in and get him on a gurney. You run to go with him but Aaron pulls you back.

"Y/n, you have injuries too." He says as he walks you to another medic.

You end up going to the hospital for your cut and minor concussion. Everything ends up being fine and you wait in the waiting room for updates on Spencer. The Doctor comes out with a blank faced reaction.

"Spencer Reid?" He says as we all rush up to him

"The surgery was successful, there were minor complications but nothing huge. He needs to sleep but one of you can see him now."

"Y/n you go first, we can wait." Aaron says looking at you apologetically .

You follow the doctor to his room, you walk in and see him hooked up to numerous machines. You can't help but think that this was your fault.

"Spencer, I'm sorry...I'm so sorry. I love you, I love you so much. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me and I hate that I put you in that situation. I did this to you. You say as you start to sob over Spencer

"No you didn't do this."Aaron says has he walks over to you.

"You didn't do anything wrong, it's not your fault."he says as he rubs your shoulder.

Spencer's POV

"Ugh, where am I? He says as he wakes up in a recliner

"You are with me! I missed you so much Spencer!" An unfamiliar voice says

"Wh-Maeve?" He says and he sits up quickly.

"Yes, it's me genius" Maeve says with a smile

He jumped up out of the seat and into her arms. They stood in a long embrace, as she rubbed his back. He started to sob quietly in her shoulder.

"Why are you crying?" Maeve said smiling at him

"I'm sorry, Maeve I'm so sorry. I-I didn't protect you." He says as he starts to sob harder

"It's okay, Spencer. Don't blame yourself. But I have to go. You need to go back to Y/n she makes you happy." She says as she starts to walk into a dreamy like fog.

"No, I want to stay here. I need you." Spencer says as he catches up to her.

"No, Spencer Y/n needs you more than me, you need to move on from me "

And just like that she was gone. Spencer loved y/n but Maeve will always be his one true love. and he felt so guilty because it felt like he was forgetting and betraying Maeve by staying with y/n.

He woke up to a quiet sobbing on his shoulder. It was y/n, she was mumbling about something that he really couldn't hear. Being around her felt different, like he couldn't stand her presence anymore. He slowly shrugged her off of him and she jolted off of him.

"Oh god, Spencer I'm so sorry" She says as her eyes calmed in sight of him.

"Can you please leave?'" Spencer says as calmly as possible

"Wh-Spencer what's wrong, talk to me, please" She says now fully sobbing


She quickly grabbed all her things and rushed out. He felt bad for yelling at her but he could not longer stand her. She took Maeve away from me. I didn't need y/n, I never did .

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