I don't wanna be okay without you

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You wake up in Spencer's grasp just like you have every day since your date. You carefully slip out of Spencer's grasp to make him a surprise. You get out all the materials for his favorite chocolate chip pancakes. You turn on some light background music while you cook. You dance around the kitchen until you hear yells coming from the bedroom. You sprint to the bedroom to see what the commotion was about.


You wake up in a room, hands and feet bound.
You analyze your surroundings and see your wife and daughter sitting in front of you with there hands and feet tied also but with gags in their mouths.

Then you hear her, " Oh goodie, Spencie you are finally awake, I thought I would have to start the fun without you.


"Oh no, you see the problem with that is that you would never hurt like I want you to." He says as she pulls out a gun

You see your wife, Y/n clinging to your daughter ,Isabel as best as she can. Both of their sobs could be heard through the gags.

"CAT, NO SHOOT ME" You say starting to cry

"Eenie .......meanie" Cat says switching the point of the gun to Y/n and Isabel's foreheads "You know what ,screw this," she shoots Isabel first, her body dropping to the ground with a thud. Sobs rip from Y/n as she tries to scoot closer to Isabels body

"NO....NO, please pumpkin, I'm sorry, Im so so sorry. You say letting out wretched sobs

"Spencer.....Spencer wake up" You hear


Then you jolt awake meeting Y/n's eyes that are filled with terror. You cling to her like she was your lifeline, sobbing into her chest
She runs her fingers through your hair and rubbing small circles on your back.

Shhh's and It's okay and I love you's vibrate off of her chest. You finally calm down but stay in her embrace.

"Do you wanna talk about it? She says softly as if she was going to scare you again

"No" you say your voice weak from crying

"Okay but if you want to I will be here to listen just don't shut me out and let it sit in that big beautiful brain of yours"


"Are you hungry? I made your favorite" She says, you can feel her smile radiating off of her

"You made pancakes?" He says sounding like his inner child

"Yes, baby I did make pancakes" Y/n says chuckling

"Come on let's go" she says slowly standing up. You follow her around like a lost puppy. She serves you 2 chocolate chip pancakes with fruit a whipped cream.

"There ya go, My love" She says looking extra proud of her presentation"

"Thank you darling, I love you" You say admiring her as she walks over to you

"And I love you" she says kissing the top of your head

You quickly finished your Breakfast and you join Y/n on the couch

" I was thinking, how about we watch About time babe?" You say once again cuddling into her chest

"Yes that sounds great!" Y/n says as she starts the movie

I was genuinely worried for Spencer, he said that he didn't want to tell me and I would push him, but I wanted to see what was bothering him so much.
He seemed back to normal but I could see that he was still on edge, every time I touched him he would get all tensed and on edge. You were jolted out of your immense thought by Spencer calling your name

"Y/n, are you okay. The movie is over" Spencer says

"Oh yeah, I'm fine I was just thinking"

"About what? He asked now sitting up

"Spencer..I know you don't want to talk about it and I won't push you but I need to know that you are okay, I don't want you to sleep with whatever it is in your head because its obviously scaring you."

"I Know, I know I just need to know what it means and figure it out because it hard to talk about things that you don't even know the meaning of" He says running his finger through his hair.

You lay your head and his chest and say, " But not every has a meaning or a silver lining and sometimes there is no answer for dreams ,they just kinda happen, you know?

"Y/n I love you so so much, I have no idea why you love me in all my broken glory, but I appreciate you loving me unconditionally" Spencer says looking down at you

" I love you too, and we are all a little broken, but that is why you need someone else to fix you, to help and depend on" You say as you reach up and grab his cheeks to pull him into a passionate kiss. You flip over putting your leg on both sides of him. He plants his hands on your hips, moving under your shirt. He pulls it over your head and moves down to kiss your neck.
He then picks you up with one hand,using the other to maneuver around your apartment.
He lays you down on the bed when he all of a sudden shoots up.

"Spencer what's wrong," He turn around to sit on the edge of the bed. You sit behind him and rub is shoulder. "Spencer talk to me please"
You see him start to tear up and sniffle, "I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry Y/n. I'm not enough for you. I'm so stupid" he says as he starts to press on his eye with his hands

" Hey, hey no don't do that honey!" You say taking his hands in yours "what are you sorry for Spencer you did nothing wrong, If we're not ready then we won't do it, don't rush yourself okay" You say trying to comfort him

"Are you sure, I feel so bad" he says calming down

"Yes, I'm sure, let's go to sleep okay" You say as you cuddle into him and fall asleep to the lull of his heart beat


2 chapters in one day???!?? Who is she and what has she done with Aaronhotchnersbitch2?
Anyways this chapter is a bit sad but hey it will get better. Thank you all for reading!

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