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TW: Blood,gore and kidnapping ⚠️continue with caution ⚠️

You and Spencer have been attached at the hip ever since that night. You have movie nights with each other on a weekly basis. On the day of one of your planned movie nights you heard a knock at the door. You rush to open it excited to see Spencer. You open the door to see a yellow envelope with your name on it. You pick it up and carry it to the coffee table you open it to see pictures of you, pictures of you on cases, with Spencer, but the pictures that scare you most are ones of you in your apartment.

You sit there in silence, until a knock jolts you out of your thoughts.

You open the door to see Spencer with a smile on his face. Your face turns white as bile rises in your throat.

"What's wrong?" He says as he rushes in

"T-the folder" You stutter as you feel the room spinning.

He sits down to look at the contents of the folder in the coffee table. He looks up at you and you can't even move.

"We need to call Hotch" Spencer says pulling out his phone

"No, don't call him yet, please. It could just be a prank" You say not wanting to get involved personally into a case in your first two months of being in the BAU.

"Y/n, this doesn't look like a prank you need help." He says dialing Hotchner's number and putting it on speaker

"Hotchner" He says in his stern voice as he answers in less than one ring

"Hey, Hotch, how soon can you get over to Y/n's apartment" Spencer says as he looks at the photos and back to you

"What, what is wrong with Y/n?" Hotch asks as his voice get more intense the longer the phone call goes

"S-she got a threat through the mail this morning and it came with pictures of her on cases, with the team, and of her in her apartment." Spencer says as his voice cracks with worry.

"I'm on my way now." Hotch says as he hangs up the phone.

You rush over to the couch feeling sicker the more you look at the photos,

"Spence, this is bad isn't it, just tell me the truth I know you have already ran all of the probabilities in your head." You say to cut the tension

"You are going to be fine, okay. We are going to catch whoever is doing this and you will be okay" his tone worried as he holds on to your hand.

You were about to say something else but a knock on the door jolted you and Spencer out of your moment. Spencer stood up carefully opening the door to let Hotch in. He walks in frantically to the coffee table. He sits down in the arm chair in the side of the room. He sits in silence for a while as he just stared at the photos

"Okay, You were right to call me, We need to get Y/n into protective detail immediately" Hotchner says as he runs his fingers through his hair.

"PROTECTIVE DETAIL??!?, don't you think we are over exaggerating a bit" You say slightly laughing ever though nothing was even funny

"No, we are not over exaggerating, this person knows where you are and when..that is a hazard for everyone in this team." Hotchner says

"Spencer come on we need to get this to the BAU now" Hotcher says as he picks up all the pictures.

"Uhm okay, Y/n the protective detail will be here soon just don't go anywhere and lock everything" Spencer says before he leaves with Hotch

Reid My Mindजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें