Chapter 40 Hermione P.O.V

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Flashbacks will start and end  with *** as well as being written in italics 

"Bye Dad, bye Bells" after we got home I went straight to my room, where I had a packed bag waiting for me, I went downstairs to say goodbye to dad and Bella, before disapparating to the Burrow.

I went up to the red door that I knew, to be greeted by the only living woman I consider to be my mother, the specks of grey are present in her hair, the wrinkles joining together as she smiled. She threw her arms around me before taking me into the house. "Merry Christmas Molly, how are you," I asked her, I knew I would not be the only one struggling this season

"Merry Christmas, I am alright" she let out a sigh as she said this "just taking each day as it comes, how are you, dear"

"I am fine, I visited Ron yesterday" I smiled lightly

"He would have liked the little horse you left him, the others wanted to stay awake for your arrival but" Molly led me through to the living room where everyone was asleep were ever there was room Harry and Ginny were bundled together on the floor, I suppressed a chuckle at my brother and his girlfriend.

I sat down on the floor just beside the warm fireplace, Harry slowly opened his eyes, I looked up at me his green eyes meeting mine his hair just as messy as ever "Merry Christmas Hermione"

"Merry Christmas Harry" I whispered, Harry gently untangled himself from Ginny before pulling me into a tight hug

"Come on we can go upstairs, there is a bit more privacy you can tell me everything" he picked up my suitcase and headed for the stairs


"Hermione can you stop revising for a second" Ron had said that he was there sat on his bed, I had my books streamed across the floor

"Honestly Ron you should be revising we have our OWLs this year we need to do well on them" It was one of the many summers I had spent at the Burrow

We had been waiting for Harry to arrive for weeks but Dumbledore has his reasons, turned back to my book. Damn, why was I so stupid I thought we had all the time in the world together, if only I had known that our time would be cut so short.

A knock at the door made my head soot up "Harry" I ran to the scrawny boy giving him a hug

"nice to see you Hermione" Harry and Ron treated each other, we were closer than friends we had the bond of siblings


I was pulled from my thoughts and back to the real world by a hand on my shoulder, it was Harry. "I miss him" we walked into Rons old room

"Yeah me too" Harry and I sat and spoke for hours about all the Ron had done something stupid "right enough reminiscing what's life like in Forks"

"It is alright, I have met some nice people"

"Have you met someone in particular" I felt the heat rise in my cheeks "who"

"Her name is Alice"

"I have to meet her" we were soon interrupted by Ginny coming in, we all continued talking for hours until they fell asleep

I made my way over to the widow, something refused to let me open the window, I turned to face the room.


"Hermione you are still you, the same smart crazy Hermione Granger"

"But it... it still, what if they"

"Hermione you don't have to come out if you don't want to" he interrupted

"I am going to need your help"

"Of course" Ron took me by the hand and down into the kitchen where everyone was having breakfast

"Morning everyone" they all turned to face me the sleep still in their eyes. Ron grabbed ahold of my hand and gave me a small smile, I took a deep shaky breath "everyone I have something to tell you" they all looked at me, I could feel my heart in my throat "I... I... I am bisexual" they all smiled at me. I will forever be thankful to everyone, they just accepted me.


I could feel the tears slowly run down my cheeks. I whipped the tears as Harry and Ginny started to wake.

In the living room, Molly handed me the normal parcel tied up with string. My annual jumper this time was violet with a light blue 'H' in the centre, she also handed me two more one for Bella and one for Charlie, we continued with all the presents and the occasional jokes.

I missed everyone so much, we had spoken for hours and as normal Molly had prepared a delicious meal I was reluctant to go back but I knew I had to. I said my goodbyes as the uncomfortable feeling of disapparation took over my body.

Healing with the moonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora