// Chapter 9 \\

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Clutch dried his hair magnificently, he then winked at the camera, and finally, he decided to talk to Lucy, "No."

Lucy threatened their 'guide', "We are supposed to go up, to the exit! not down, to certain doom!"

Clutch let out a piggy laugh, "You clearly have no idea of what you're saying, I'm the one that knows the terrain."

"Then where are we going, Mr. Tour Guide." Lucy raised her eyebrows, "Hm?"

"To a secret exit, I'm not leading you to the obvious one where everyone in this ghost planet can go." Clutch said as he held a big gun, "Now shut it, and follow me."

"Wyldstyle why are you being like this?" Unikitty asked as she skipped along with Clutch, "He's such a nice guy!"

"She's right, I wonder when he'll show us the spaceship." Benny followed him excitedly, "I bet it's a big one."

"He's so awesome!" Emmet cheered.

"I agree." Watevra said as she morphed into a squirrel.

"He's way better than Rex!" Emmet said.

Batman glared at them as he walked along with Lucy, "I don't trust him either."

"Good, at least you are with me." Lucy sighed in relief.

"Don't forget about me." Sweet Mayhem showed up on Lucy's left side.

"I thought you were on his side." Batman blinked in cnfisuion.

"I tend to trick people unintentionally." Sweet Mayhem shrugged while she looked at the others falling for whatever Clutch was planning.

"We need to find out what his deal is." Lucy stared at Clutch as he made some weird joke about his armpits.

"I swear they really smell like rotten cheese!" Clutch raised his armpits allowing the others to prove it, "Once I fell into a rotten cheese and the smell never let my body ever since."

"Oh, it's not poison." Lucy crossed poison off her list of things Clutch could be doing.

"I don't like the way he speaks to my wife." Batman growled as he fought not to throw a Batarang at the man, "I need to prove Watevra that I'm still the same superhero she met years ago."

"But you are." Sweet Mayhem stated.

"It's not what she believes though." Batman flexed his muscles, "I'm gaining fat!"

"Oh, please." Lucy facepalmed.

Emmet skipped around them, "Hey guys I wonder what that huge structure right in front of us is!"

Clutch paused and nodded, "Oh my friends, that is the entrance of the forbidden area."

"Oh, is it dangerous?" Emmet asked scaredly.

"Yes." Clutch nodded, "But you're safe with me."

"Yay!" Emmet cheered, "Come on guys!"

"This be interesting." MetalBeard made pirates noises as he followed the guide.

The group entered the forbidden area, as they walked along the way, multiple citizens stared at them depressingly, there were all types of things, there were giant animals, fabuland animals, humans dressed up as animals, and many others that don't need to be mentioned, Emmet stared at a group of puppies he gave them a coin, then the puppies proceeded to swallow it.

"Don't look into their eyes." Clutch whispered, "There are criminals in this street."

Two escaped prisoners grinned at them as they walked by.

But then suddenly shining bright pinks lights showed up in front of them, a unicorn flew out of the sky, Unikitty watched in wonder, then a prince and a princess jumped out of it.

"Aw!" Unikitty screeched, "They're so cute!"

"Nah." MetalBeard gagged, "I can't look."

"We're here to get your money!" The princess announced as she coughed glitter off her mouth, "I barf sparkles!"

"Put our soon-to-be money in my bag over here!" The prince shouted as the citizens did what they asked.

The unicorn growled, which is very unlikely to a unicorn, Lucy obviously noticed, "We should leave."

"So soon?" The princess skipped towards Lucy, "You can leave but first the money."

"We don't have any." Lucy said.

"Your friends over there seem to have, a crown?" The princess raised her eyebrows.

"No, its fake." Emmet stammered, "N-not real."

"Prove it." The princess glared at them.

The prince then licked it, "It's real!"

"Not so fast!" Clutch shouted as he swung from the top of a building with a vine, "Hya!" he snatched the wigs off the 'royals.'

The royals were actually two criminals in disguise, while the unicorn was their pat crocodile.

"Uh-Oh." The three gulped in fear.

(i stopped writing after this so i don't know what happens next.

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