- 5: I enjoy hurting myself -

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"So much for a no-drama day." She groaned, rolling her eyes, as she scans the room full of people, literally looking at her in disbelief.

I was about to tell them off, when she focused her gaze, squared her shoulders and walked towards Jennie, who I forgot was standing next to me.

Emily stopped inches away from her, looking at her in the eye. They were the same height because Jennie was wearing heels, while Emily was clearly taller.

Another girl, I didn't know rushed near the two, almost in alarm, as if someone might get... hurt?

At that moment, looking at the two, I saw how much a person can change in the span of three years.

Jennie was one of the bullies who tormented Emily along with her goons. Emily was never the one to speak, she kept her head down and just waited till they were done and I, well, there wasn't much I could've done back then, even if she asked me to.

But now, I see a completely different Emily, my Miles nonetheless.

'Mine? Really? Did she even spare you a glance?'

I really enjoy hurting myself, apparently.

She stood face to face with Jennie, whose face was red, for some reason, with a blank face but eyes, that held rage.

"Just so we're clear, you don't own the school." She said in a smooth voice that almost made me shiver. Damn you, hormones. "At least, not anymore." She finished with a smirk.


I slumped down on a seat at the table staring at nothing in particular, while the rest of the cafeteria went back to being loud, obviously gossipping about whatever teen fiction drama, our school life has turned into.

After the threats were made by Emily, she walked out of the cafeteria along with the other new girl that I don't know. Followed by a very high pitched scream from Jennie, who stomped her feet in frustration, being the mature adult she is, and ran out along with her minions.

"Do you think he'll make it." Said an annoying voice from somewhere beside me.

"He's not sick, you idiot." Definitely Cole.

"I don't know about the sick part though, he's almost turning green." Was Perri always this stupid? Yeah well, she's dating Logan after all.

"Guys give him time. That's a lot of information to take in, in the span of two minutes." Mia is literally the only sane one among us. "All his hormones that went haywire need time to chill." I take that back, they are all idiots.

"Stop talking about me, as if I'm not here." I finally said looking at each one of them.

"Are you, though? Here? Cuz you've been staring at a very boring stain on the table for the last five minutes." Perri said, looking concerned.

"And y'all thought I was crazy, I told you she looked familiar but nooo please feel free to ignore the smart guy and call our childhood friend, Asparagus." Cole snapped, pointing at everyone like a lunatic.

"Asparagus?" I asked feeling out of the loop. In my defence, I woke up late and didn't bother to hurry to any classes before lunch because well, I wasn't expecting anything extraordinary to happen.

'Well, clearly you were wrong.'

They went on to tell me how Dylan thought it would be a smart move to hit on the new girl. Dylan had the audacity to look disappointed that the story Emily fed him wasn't real.

Ashes Of You And I (Completed) | ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora