School 3

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Normal - other/narrator.

"Earth to Mia." she heard her best friend's voice. "What's happed? You behaved strangely today." Amy was nervous, what if Mia found out that she started the rumor.

"I know you spread that rumor. Didn't think that my BFF would spread the rumor that I used to sleep with teachers to get good grades." Mia said, voice flat.

"Is that it. You are so sad because of a rumor? God, I can go and tell the whole school that I lied." Amy's voice went a pitch higher. "It was stupid of me. I had a shitty week, my mom was diagnosed with cancer."

Mia dropped her bag. Amy's mom has cancer? And Amy didn't tell her?

"Oh, Amy, I'm so sorry. I didn't know." Mia felt bad. She was angry at Amy for spreading some kind of rumor, and know she finds out her mom has cancer. "Why didn't you tell me. We are best friends."

"What about that guy on the phone?" Amy asked.

"Oh, come on, I don't even know his name." Mia said sending her friend a smile. "And I was sad because I got a detention."

Amy's eyes doubled in size.

"The perfect Mia got a detention? I think that guy has bad effect on you." She said giggling.

"To be fair I think you are right. I changed a lot, I probably should stop talking to him." Mia said dozing off.

"Don't you dare!" There was anger in Amy's voice. "He is a nice guy, and I'm sure you know that no matter what he'll protect you. If only I had friends like that." A dreamer smile appeared on Amy's lips.

"We have each other, isn't it enough?" Mia said, forgetting what cats have been scratching her soul.

Amy was about to say something when Mia's phone vibrated. She got a message. From her mom. Four words that made all color drain out of her face.

"Sorry Amy, but I need to go." She said quickly walking towards the door.

Soon enough her car was pulling out of her school's car park.

And know on full speed a she was going to the place she hated even more than the house on the beach.

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