3 Years Later

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"You got in!" Mia jumped hugging her boyfriend by his neck.

"Did you think I wouldn't? I'm the best basketball player this world has ever seen." he smiled at her.

"Can your ego be at least a little bit smaller?" she said, but instead of getting an answer she got a kiss.

"Long time no see." a voice pierced the air.

Mia's boyfriend tensed and put her on the ground.

"I'm gonna start the car." he said opening the door of a very expensive Ferrari.

"What did you see in him. Is it because of the money?" the homeless man said.

Mia looked at him with pity in his eyes.

"It's very simple Adam, I love him, and he loves me. That's all that I need." Mia said sitting down in car.

"Is everything ok?" young man asked.

"Yes, everything is fine." she said sending the young man on the steering wheel a smile. "Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise."

In about an hour they were driving somewhere in the woods.

"Are you planing to kill me and drop the body in the lake?" Mia said, the man laughed in return.

And then she saw a gigantic brick fence with a gate. Her boyfriend took out something that look like keys and pressed a button which caused the gates to open. Behind the gates there was a beautiful giant house.

As soon as the car stoped Mia jumped out and run towards the entrance, but the man caught her hand, and lead her into the woods which were on the land behind the fence.

After 30 minutes walking through the woods he stoped by an enormous lake.

"This is beautiful." Mia whispered. "Who's is all of this."

"All of this belongs to us." her man said from behind.

Mia turned around to tell him that he shouldn't have bought such an expensive house but she didn't say anything. She was too shocked to speak.

"Mia, I loved you since high school. Our relationship was difficult, you dated my brother after all, but when onceI texted the wrong number, and it worked out to be you. I cannot imagine my life without you in it, I don't want to even think that you will ever leave me. I want to leave the rest of my life with you. I don't care where, I don't care if I'll lose all my money, if I'll become disabled and won't be able to play basketball, as long as I have you I'll be the happiest man alive. Mia, will you marry me?"

"Eric." Mia's voice was shaking. "I will, I will marry you." and she started crying. For once she was simply happy.

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