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did I just lose him?

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did I just lose him?


TOMORROW IS THE FINAL EXAM. I was up all night last night, studying for whatever they were going to put us through this time. I tried my best focus, but the lingering question still remained in the back of my mind,

did I just lose him?

After our little "debacle," I decided to let him cool off and try to talk to him before we have to take the exam. Honestly, I don't even know why he's mad. I mean, I get that he wants to know what we are (I do too), but does it all have to be up to me, you know? Why can't he just come straight to me and tell me that he wants to be more than friends that kiss and hold hands? That's all I want, for him to grow some balls and tell me what he wants.

I ran to the kitchen, already late for the exams week announcement in the foyer. They're going to tell us what we're doing, how much this affects our grade, and what happens after the exams, but we all already know what happens; if you fail, you're out and stripped of your magic. If you pass, you move onto the next level.

If I don't pass, my mother will kill me— with her bare hands. She won't even have to use her magic! She is the only person in the whole entire universe that I'm actually terrified of. She is a whole different person when she's angry.
A slipper, the third grade. Don't remind me about it.

I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl and ran outside into the girls' dormitory hallway. It was deserted. Everyone must already be in the foyer. Usually I would set my alarm right before I go to bed, but I was so out of it that I just forgot.

Last night, I was tossing and turning. Every single fear in my mind came to life; failing the exam, Louis hating me forever, my mom disowning me after failing the exam, my friends leveling up without me, my dad being disappointed in me. All of these fears rushed in last night. So, now I am exhausted, nervous, anxious, and kind of grumpy.

I bit into my apple as I rushed through the halls. I could hear Headmistress Ashwing's muffled voiced speaking into the microphone and students gasping from shock of some sort.

I quietly walked in, stumbling toward an empty chair in the back. All of my friends were towards the front, talking amongst each other. What's going on?

"Get ready for the week you've all been preparing for because this is going to be a doozy!" Headmistress Ashwing laughed.

Seriously, what is going on?

I turned to some random first year who was practically shaking in his boots. "Hey," he turned to me, his fingers fiddling with each other. "um, what is she talking about?"

𝐎𝐑𝐏𝐇𝐈𝐂 𝐀𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐌𝐘 ☾ 𝐥. 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐠𝐞Where stories live. Discover now